24 Replies to “As Long As It Takes”

  1. Quitting early?
    Whilst a few Ukrainians still live?
    “We will fight them, to the last Ukrainian”..
    One does wonder,what NATO promised the Dear Leaders of Ukraine?
    For,as the Ukrainian Command has come to learn, with friends such as Germany and NATO they need no new enemies.

  2. In other words Germany is telling Ukraine: “We don’t want to waste any more of our money on a lost cause.”

    1. Easier said than done. Biden signed a Security Guarantee with Ukraine that stretches out over the next 10 years. He did so with as little fanfare as possible. In fact, he signed it at the G7 in Italy. He wasn’t even in the US at the time. Interestingly, he couldn’t get enough support in congress to ratify it. So, should Trump re-enter the Oval Office, he might just choose to ignore the agreement. But, you can be sure there are contingency plans in effect through the Pentagon, defense contractors, and the alphabet agencies to proceed with the aid under the table despite what Trump might do.

      Look, I don’t think there is a chance in hell Trump gets back in the White House. Considering all that has been done to limit those chances, it’s rather clear that the opposition will step over any line no matter how egregious to secure that outcome. But, my guess is that an effort to “tear up” such a security guarantee will result in another round of impeachment efforts. Just saying.

      1. OK … make the rescinding of the “security guarantee” conditional upon ALL NATO signatories contributing the 3% (or whatever the Treaty requires) of their GDP. One nation falters … then so does the USA. Sorry, but we taxpayers don’t need to be taken for suckers anymore.

  3. Meanwhile Germany has spent over 30 billion Euros on immigrants and has another 21 billion Euros in the budget pipeline. If I was from Ukraine I wouldn’t be feeling very European right now. Or NATO friendly.

    But as the Germans say … “The party is over, the pot is empty”.

  4. No.. A hard no.. Ukraine is adventuring inside Russia now.. Like it or not, no matter the situation in Ukraine.. They are no longer simply defending themselves.. Real war..

    1. It never was about defending democracy in Ukraine (of which there is none) after the US spent $5B USD in the Maidan event to install Zelensky and begin a proxy war against Russia.

      This goes back to 1904 in a paper written by H.J.Mackinder , where he defines what is basically Russia as key to a threat to the the British Empire at the time. After WW2 America was the muscle but the City of London was always behind the curtain.
      The Geographical Pivot of History (1904)
      H. J. Mackinder


      History is important.

      1. Zelensky was not installed after Maidan; he was something like third in succession, and accepted because he was the most compliant.

        1. Maidan was 2014. Zelensky wasn’t a political until 2019. It would be like blaming Trump for the 2009 recession.

      2. Maidan was 2014

        Zelensky was 2019. He wasn’t a politician before that.

        Should we blame Trump for the 2009 recession?

        I just love how people make profound statements about things they clearly have no clue about.

  5. Anyone who is a scuba diver will know that the 6 Ukrainians in a boat story is Blarney Science.

      1. Only if there is a hard requirement that the divers all come back alive and unharmed. If willing to take risks, it could be done.

  6. So the media ran with the story about the Ukrainian scuba team to give Germany a chance to retire from the battle. Sounds about right. Without Russian gas Germany is an economic basket case. Economic basket cases are not really good at making weapons for war.

    1. British, then US policy since at least the 19th century has been to keep Russian resources from joining with German manufacturing, which would create an unmanageable economic colossus.

    1. Spending the peoples’ money on Kiev’s war is something that was only popular in the short term. And then the people wonder why their government isn’t spending their money on things that benefit them. Which leads to smart governments trying to find a way out of the mess before the people vote them out. As the German government is trying to do with limited success.

  7. So if Ukraine attacked Germany, a NATO member, does that put Canada at war against Ukraine? You know, NATO’s Article 5 and all that jazz.

  8. “Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal—a publication that’s hardly pro-Moscow or anti-NATO—reported that both the CIA and Zelensky knew about a plot organized by Zelensky’s commander in chief, Valeriy Zaluzhniy. Indeed, according to the Journal, Zelensky “initially approved the plan.”

    In other words, the CIA and the Ukrainian regime have been lying all along. They knew exactly who destroyed the pipeline but continued to fuel speculation that the Russians did it. The Poles also knew. ”

