28 Replies to “August 17, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. “Almost every judge I’ve identified as being involved in the rapid prosecution and incarceration of individuals who participated in the Southport riots has a history of letting convicted pedophiles walk free with no jail time.

    A short thread on “two-tier” justice:”

  2. Peter Marshall(Hollywood Squares)has passed away Remember Wally Cox, Charle Weaver Rosemary Paul Lynn and e even kids version Storybook Squares

  3. By the sound of it … Nashville has ceased to be the music capital of the world … and is now just chock full of really awful bar bands. Really awful. I certainly hope they’re all killing it in their day jobs at Pep Boys

    1. Yet Trudeau gave the guy that admitted to killing a US army medic 10.5 million.

      If you aren’t outraged yet you should be.

    1. David

      Its not only “everyday expenses” Rent, Fuel, Food etc.
      In Canada today there’s ~ 18% Unemployment pretty much across the country – and I don’t see ONE White Canadian Teenager working ANYWHERE.
      Add in 3+ Million Mouth Breathers with zero qualifications…

      I look directly to: ESG, DEI & LMIA as the Culprits. Massive subsidies for most corporations across the country to hire said Mouth breathers.

      For me..? 9 Months looking EVERDAY for a Job in and out of my chosen Profession.
      170+ Resumes sent – NADDA.

      Euro Centric Replacement: WEF desired – Trudeau Implemented.

    1. If they are “nations”, why don’t they tax their own people to pay for the upgraded infrastructure? Oh! that’s right, they are “only” nations when it comes to cultural grifting.

  4. But almost no peace talks.
    Ukraine Reportedly Sending Cooks, Mechanics To Frontlines Of War Against Russia As Manpower Problem Grows Worse
    The average age of soldiers serving in Ukraine’s infantry is now above 40, according to the WSJ.
    “The Russians have more everything than us—more people, more guns, more shells, more ammunition,” a 46-year-old Ukrainian commander told the WSJ. “In the end, it makes us withdraw.”
