20 Replies to “If It Weren’t For Fake Hate”

  1. ‘They’re hurting the reputation of Indians in Canada. LOL, that horse left the barn long time ago.

    1. Actually, this group seems to be specifically Punjabi Sikhs. The Indians I know are good hard-working people though it gets interesting when explaining the rules of the road here in Canada.

  2. A good lawyer should be able to make close to a million per year, so why are so many of these anal swabs politicians, making $200 K per year?

    1. Why? Because politics is where the REAL money is.

      U.S. Example: just under $8 billion allocated to build a zillion EV charging stations. The money is all gone and there were 7, S-E-V-E-N charging stations built.

      Where did all that money go? If you guessed the pollies’ pockets and to their cronies, you win a kewpie doll.

  3. I’ve been reading about “hate crimes” for years,and I DO NOT remember a single one that actually WAS a hate crime. Almost every one was a false flag episode, with the attack perpetrated by the people claiming to be victims.

    See what you started, Tawanna Brawley and Reverend Al?

    The headline is perfect,”if it weren’t for fake hate,there be no hate at all”. Gloom,despair, and agony on me.

    1. Fact is … people like you, me … and every other conservative are too busy to be bothered to commit a “hate crime”. We have jobs, family, and assets. We don’t have time for social Justice warriors … fighting a fight that ended a century ago.

      And speaking of “hate” … those people really HATE the fact that we don’t give a shit about their protest. The opposite of love isn’t “hate” … it’s indifference. They HATE our indifference. Too bad. Boo hoo.

      1. There is also PROJECTION wrapped up in that situation. Generally (and more often these days) if a leftist is accusing you of something…it’s because that is EXACTLY what they are doing or plan on doing. And, it’s not just the victim brigade of mouth breathers. It’s the top to bottom, soup to nuts whole gambit of Leftists who project incessantly.

  4. They know the really have no claim.. So racism it is the only tool they have that turns any heads.. Maybe I will fly to India and screw over the locals and see if i don’t get beaten to death.. Hell, Bring a half a million of my friends..
    Put up a tent on the front lawn, light it on fire.. Blame India..

    Should work..

  5. Deport immediately. We have enough liars, cheats, and thieves in canada already, there’s no need to import more from India.

  6. My favourite part was the MP, Librano Sean Casey, at first assuming guilt of his constituents, and then barely half walking that back when the story blew up.

    The money shot was in his walkback, which included “the situation still serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and risks faced by those who exercise their right to peaceful protest”. You mean risks like being stomped by police horses, having your bank accounts frozen, incarceration without trial, and a beating the from the mounties? I guess the irony was lost on whatever flack wrote that.

    1. ‘…the situation still serves as…’ Yes, always the ‘but’. No Sean, it’s a reminder you’re a dumb man. There’s no room for hate except for anybody who holds right of center views, then it’s hate 24/7.

  7. Firecrackers? Maybe it was a smoke bomb, I see lots of Pally-wallies carrying them in protests, perhaps one of them got tired of having their thunder stolen and tried to wipe them out.

    Canada is racist all right, but it isn’t the white ppl doing it, too few of them left. Who are they going to call racists, when there will be no white people left, because everyone knows, only white peoples are racist!
