13 Replies to “Pick’n An A’ Grin’n”

    1. At the proverbial end of the day, it’s not the guitar but the person playing it. I’ve had some expensive guitars but, alas, I sound much the same regardless of the guitar I pick up. Good but not great.

      I was at a gathering of guitar players once and this fellow pulled up in a new Porsche Boxter and pulled four guitar cases (how they all fit, I’m not sure) out of it and then proudly showed two Ryan Guitars and two Collings. Circa 2003, about $30,000 USD worth of wood. Beautiful guitars all. And golly, he knew all three chords. Speaking of a new, inexpensive Yamaha, he would have been better served by one.
      I like and have owned quite a few Yamahas, by the way. They make some fine expensive models but they also make great inexpensive guitars. The vast percentage of players, maybe including myself, wouldn’t need a lot more. Certainly not a 30K guitar. That stuff is for Robert Irsay. Who plays about as well as the guy I mentioned earlier. LOL

  1. Well, that’s really nice but I’m betting he could make my 1975 Martin sound pretty much as good and it only cost me 3K. Hell, he could make a new Yamaha sound great!

    1. I’ve not played for years … but in my FULL retirement I am seeking out a pristine 1970’s D-35 … and see if I can’t rebuild some fingertip calluses and find the pentatonic scale again …

      1. Yep. Go for it. I bought myself the 35 for a 60th birthday present. Rare sunburst model. Nice. My favorite Martin. Hey, wasn’t a TV show?

  2. I don’t know who that guy is, but he really is an amazing guitar player.

    (30k guitar, you say? Never would have guessed…looks like any other to me…)

    1. Rare. I’m sure it’s an incredible instrument but most players couldn’t afford it nor would they really need it. A guitar for a rich collector. There isn’t a lot of ’39 Martins out there.

  3. That was great! Martins are well known guitars, but as mentioned by others it’s the player who can make it sing. I have a couple of musician friends and they can make anything sound great especially little old Yamahas. It’s amazing.
