Spy vs Spy

Sun- Social media, smartphone warriors put police under full-time surveillance

“Our members know they are watched continuously, they know everything they do and say is captured on video, and they know that they are the only professional in an interaction with the public,” said Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid. “Our members are also pushed to the brink on many shifts. Between a lack of proper staffing and public support, and when some members of the public feel it is increasingly acceptable to interfere in police operations and treat our members with disrespect, it is not surprising to see how some of these interactions are unfolding.”

20 Replies to “Spy vs Spy”

  1. I’ve no sympathy for police, far too many of them are power hungry, egotistical, narcissists and treat the public which they serve with total disdain. Want the public to respect you, start by respecting the public and recognizing you work for them.

    Arrest the bad guys, not the mean tweeters. Stop wearing pride flags, start honouring the canadian flag. Don’t give tickets for 63 in a 60 zone, don’t blow red lights without your lights going, and so forth.

    Stop being an ass and start being an actual public servant. Do that and the public will respect you again.

  2. (Paraphrasing) “You don’t know what was happening when the police hand delivered coffee to the Hamas group.”

    Actually, seeing is everything. Therefore we do know.

  3. its a question of *chronology*. need l say more??? WHO is it that has ALREADY proven to be thugs and sociopathic egomaniacs confirming the saying about ‘power corrupts’?

  4. The police are not your friend.. The less you say to them the better.. Keep your head down, pay your fine and disappear back into the woodwork.. Let some other sucker be made an example of.. Its your life, or lack of it..

  5. I feel for the writer of this article.
    Naturally those feeling may not be what he thought to produce.
    Sorry comrade.
    When the Thugs moved in on the protestors in Ottawa,they showed all Canadians what “Policing ” is in Canada.
    When the authorities failed to produce any legitimate reason for these abuses they demanded.no members of the police investigated ..
    Illegal orders,illegal actions,destruction of private property,assault of citizens, false charges, show trials.
    The “Law” is now an ass.

  6. Speaks volumes of those who willingly enf@rce ..
    So trust is dead,killed by the actions of Police and The Just Us System.
    And then the author complains about the “tough job” the minions now face?And then there is the incompetence of this “organization”.

    The RCMP is glorious..as an incompetent group.
    How many months to “renew” an FAC?
    As for solving crime?
    “What? Not my job!”
    Forward to our glorious future..

  7. They’re hired guns for the government, be it local, provincial or national.
    I hate the government and the government hates a free, independent citizen.
    What won’t a cop do to keep their pension?

  8. When the police are held to account by professional standards, and stop abusing their privileges, then we can talk about potentially respecting them again, but when management excuses behaviours like speeding in front of speeding cams, running red lights to get to Timmies just a few seconds faster, and following obviously illegal orders, they aren’t really deserving of respect.

  9. “…they are the only professional…”
    In other words, you know the score pal, there’s cops and there’s little people.

  10. holy friggin hannah. l once mused about starting a web site ‘ServeAndProtectWho[city] inviting any and all to upload news stories, videos, documents that would be fact-checked and then made available listing and perhaps trained legal commentary on their wrongdoing.
    in june 2005 after the locals had to deal with an especially traumatic murder investigation l sent them an anonymous floral arrangement wishing them a safe and productive week.
    2 months later they committed the utterly worst act of betrayal
    all recorded on their own surveillance system
    aaaaaaaand guess whut dun ‘appened. big fat NUTTIN.

    then Ms Karma stepped in. an unprecedented series of cop deaths the names of the affected copthugs l still remember 15 years after. what they did was truly demoralizing. the response was (exact quote) “get over it”.
    sho nuff occifer, just first youse articulate the apology l mailed in for your convenience.
    sound of crickets . . . . .
    number one cop rule, NEVER rat out another cop. never make other cops look bad.
    number two cop rule, never apologize, never make yourself look bad.

  11. “If you’ve done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear.”

    Isn’t that how it works, plod?

  12. Shrug. Along with the Chiefs, the police associations have done their considerable bit to earn the public mistrust they’re now whining about.

  13. The specific traits which todays governments demand of new hires has been undermined: from honesty, ability, and merit, to supporting the Political Lefts agenda. Thus our old adage of, ‘the rank and file are not the problem’ , no longer applies.

  14. How does it feel, bitches?! Being subjected to the same surveillance and hopefully to the same rules, as you are sworn to uphold and mete out on others?

    End qualified Immunity and make the police pay out of their own pockets, if they get charged, by making them work a minimum wage job1
