10 Replies to “The Next Plandemic”

  1. Mock, Mock, Mock, and Mock some more. Leftists absolutely hate being mocked. “Trudeau and Singh sitting in a tree”….

    1. How long before Katie Hopkins is jailed for spreading … disinformation? And if not, why not? Isn’t that the “legal” standard now in FASCIST Britain?

  2. Well, Katy Hopkins is obviously not in the UK or she would have been arrested posthaste. She has done a fine piece of work in this video. I hope that they don’t catch up with her.

  3. Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson will be murdered by the government in the UK.

    So glad that (7) of my direct ancestors shot these jackass Brits from 1776 to 1781.

    The Brits said, “We are here to take your guns and rights from you.”

    Americans: “So we shot them.”

  4. LOLs.. In a not funny sort of way..
    The UN needs a reason to exist.. They also need funding to support the all you can eat buffet.. The only problems worth solving are in poor countries.. So they support bringing the poor people into rich countries to make it a rich country problem..

    A government looking for a tax base .. All in it together, except we are not.. They serve themselves and if gay monkey POX is on the menu.. All the cool kids will be painting dots on their faces.. Another commie FAD..

    1. After 1st world country taxpayers refused to keep sending more billions each year to 3rd world sh*thole countries, the globalists decided if your not gonna send the money,,, then we’ll send you those 3rd worlders.

  5. I just got kicked off of “X”.
    I’m sorry but from what I can tell X isn’t that much different from Twitter.
    A lot of it is a ruse.
