7 Replies to “Up From The Memory Hole”

  1. I’m at the point where I would rather die on my own than give those demons another toe tag they can explain away as 14 days too late..

  2. The year of the measles “outbreak” in California I had a little discussion about vaccine harms with Kate. She was firm that vaccines were important- knowing how important they were for her dogs. Well, looks like Wakefield and I were correct. 🙂

    1. Not nearly as important as vets say they are. Nor are they for cats, either. There’s good research on the harm that vaccines can, and often do do to dogs and cats.

    2. Those of us oldies, born in the 60s, didnt take any measles shots.
      We got measles alright, and had measles ‘parties’ with other families to get it over with.
      Jeez, how did I ever survive?

  3. what this tells me is every major aspect of life now is being subjected to the wokisms and ganging up strategies entrenched in DEI:
    online realm,
    ALL OF IT. and l predict there’s coming a time when the *only* ones we can trust are those of long, long, personal acquaintance, proven over and over again.

    but even then . . . . . .
