When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Subornation of perjury;

The audio file is a recording of a June 6 telephonic interview that Jessica did with Nick Tartaglione, Jeffrey Epstein’s former cellmate in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center. Tartaglione was recounting some of his conversations with Epstein.

As Tartaglione tells it, Epstein returned to their shared cell after a meeting with the federal prosecutors. He told his cellmate that the prosecutors were fishing for a plea deal with him if he would provide damaging information about Trump that would support his impeachment. It didn’t matter whether it was true or not.

Tartaglione asked whether Epstein knew Trump. Epstein acknowledged that although he did know Trump, they didn’t like each other. When Tartaglione asked why, Epstein described how Trump had kicked him out of Mar-a-Lago because he, Epstein, was there with an under-aged girl. Here is Tartaglione’s description of the conversation…

He [Epstein] said, ‘I don’t know anything. . . . But the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it.’ I [Tartaglione] said ‘Yes, he’s the President of the United States. His people are the FBI.’ He [Epstein] said, ‘That’s what I said, and they said, no, the FBI’s our people, not his people.’

16 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. You could share 1,000 stories like this with TDS sufferers and they would not change their views one little bit. As Thomas Sowell famously said: “People will forgive you if you were wrong but never if you were right.”

  2. Tartaglione seems believable, all sorts of jailhouse confessions have been used by police to access justice. What Trump has already said to local police in Florida on this file (from the Miami Herald years ago) is believable. The FBI seems to want for the FBI and not for justice, it’d be a shame if a new sheriff came to town and nixed their new headquarters in Maryland on budgetary restraint … 3/4 of tax revenue is now being spent on interest on accumulated debt in the USA.

    “This Time Is Different” Reinhart & Rogoff – Princeton Press

    The FBI said to ask the Secret Service about the attempted assassination, the Secret Service said to ask the FBI about the attempted assassination. See the photo of Crooks speaking on his phone prior to the shooting? Who’s he talking to on his burner phone? Who was Crooks meeting with while his phone was being tracked in cafes near the FBI headquarters?

    The FBI doesn’t seem to know where Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell has ended up. None of the folks who visited Epstein’s pedo island have come forward to say, “hey I hope those kids are alright” …

    Trump has reportedly said in the past week that he “didn’t want to be the one who put a former President’s wife in jail” … even while thousands were screaming “lock her up” at his rallies.

  3. It’s weird, because no matter what Epstein said, the FBI’s agent 302 forms would just put words into his mouth in order to get Trump.

  4. If you planned on killing him anyway.. A little Trump slander before the deed would have been the cherry on top..
    Trump did it.. Dont doubt it for a second..

  5. The obligatory “thoughts and prayers” to his family regarding Nick Tartaglione’s upcoming tragic jailhouse suicide

  6. Along with Obama, they got his “fundamental transformation” and he’s still in control and his deep state has only gotten deeper under the vegetable patch of Biden / Harris.

    1. Nailed it. 8 lonnnnnng years for Obama to stockpile his apparatchiks in every nook and cranny of the Deep State. Mission accomplished. Now, can America survive? Will ‘The People’ regain control of our nation?

      Shame on McCain and Romney. Milquetoast polite “centrist” Republicans who ran crap, halfhearted campaigns. Hopefully, Trump has forever transformed Republicans into a more muscular Conservative Party.

      1. McCain is burning where he belongs. There aren’t enough Latter Day Saints to save Romney from joining McCain

  7. Epstein’s former cellmate is still alive?
    That proves it.
    Incompetence inside the Bureaus rises above malice.
    Given the past history of “unfortunate accidents” involving persons in State Custody and “triple tap suicides” amongst inconvenient whistle blowers, one could be forgiven for seeing a pattern here.

    And the best these parasites can do is silence and murder..

    Such is end stage Kleptocracy.
    Or as they say in Eastern Can Ahh Duh; “Going along to get along”..
    Ethical behaviour and fair dealing ..?
    Thats so hard.
    If you are a lying scheming scuzball.

  8. Federal police departments need to be destroyed.

    FBI, RCMP, MI5 or whatever, and all the secret police too.

    Funding for these crooks has to come from somewhere, budgets, China, drug cartels, corporate cooperation/shakedown, whatever the source the money needs to be followed and destroyed.

    These evil bastards are going to ruin a decent civilization with their lust for power and greed.

  9. I don’t believe a word of it. This guy is a former cop in jail for murder. He’s a gorilla (look up his photos online) and was the only other person in the cell when Epstein didn’t kill himself. It doesn’t take a mathematician to add two plus two.

    1. Well, that’s kind of the point. We don’t know any such thing. We know that what he’s saying is entirely realistic and could have happened. We have no way of knowing whether or not it actually did, only the word of an unreliable witness.

      If he’d said he’d spoken with Epstein and it had been raining, you’d take it for granted that it had been raining. If he’d said Epstein had been levitated into a UFO, you wouldn’t even entertain the idea that there’d actually been a UFO. So, is this kind of conduct more like My Favourite Martian, or business as usual for Biden’s DOJ? At what level of normal do we acknowledge that even an absolute rotter can accurately and reliably observe and relate basic facts, especially if he doesn’t even see them as controversial?

      This is ad hominem, properly so called. The idea is that the man is disreputable and therefore cannot be telling the truth. Of course it’s a fallacy. As the old saying goes, “Many true words are spoken through false teeth”. One day, if we’re lucky, there’ll be a thorough exposure of Biden’s DOJ and we may know then. Until then, no, we don’t know it’s fiction.
