29 Replies to “August 18, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. ?
      well lm confoosed.
      l thought ‘mercuh was in hock at 35T and accelerating.
      soooooo where’s the money coming from?

      1. Printing presses are quite smooth and quiet these days otherwise the sound would be like a a B52 taking off every five minutes for a year.

        1. Silently like Online top-up welfare cards that never see a Breadline but are present and more numerous than ever.

  1. Some of you may have heard that the Iranians allegedly hacked the Trump campaign computers and downloaded it’s contents…..then distributed it to various new organizations. I have no doubt that it was hacked, but blaming the Iranians is more difficult to swallow. Currently, the usual suspects (Politico, NYT’s, Wash Post et al) are sitting on this information having received it from the hackers. They will do what they always do….leak it to second rate leftist websites….then cite those websites as sources to be able to publish their stories (despite their policies about using illegally obtained information). This is all common knowledge. However, I think there is a second purpose to this hack which ties into the following:

    Ex-Trump advisor whose home was raided by FBI says search was intimidation attempt

    It’s my personal belief that the primary purpose of the hack was to identify past and present advisors to Trump so they can do what they just did to Dimitry Simes. Put them on the 3am FBI raid lists. Alienate advisors to Trump. Badger them so that they remove themselves from the situation. Additionally, it opens up slots for their handpicked replacements who would show up at the opportune time. They need the same situation they had before. Get questionable individuals into Trump’s inner circle. Then go directly to the FISA judge for a warrant to monitor the entire campaign. It worked before without repercussions. They’ll do it again.

      1. from the link
        “the Republicans also reportedly “abandoned plans to hand-count all ballots, which a court said would be illegal.”
        well thats clear as mud. is it the count or the abandonment illegal?

    1. Thanks for the link. I think any sane person knows that the IC hacked Trump’s campaign. I know I didn’t buy the Iranian angle for a millisecond.

    2. “Russia, Russia, Russia” is magically morphing to “Iran, Iran, Iran” before our very eyes.

  2. The Destructocons; and accessing the internet as an essential life skill.

    “When data showed that Walz’s lockdowns and school closures led to eighth-grade math scores falling to their lowest level in Minnesota in three decades, Walz responded dismissively: “I don’t buy it. These kids learned resiliency. They had to figure out how to get online.””


    1. “Mom, the internet’s not working again. Can you fix it for me?” – There’s Tampon Tim’s “resiliency.”

    1. Good Article and 100% on point…

      It’s the same War mongering Cabal that took out JFK & killed his brother & tried to do so with Reagan.

      1. I still hold to the belief that the mafia did it, and that Bobby’s anti-organized crime initiative doomed them both.

    1. Wikipedia still shows Walz as having rank of Command Sergeant Major.

      And under Battles/Wars: lists “War in Afghanistan”

      Shades of Orwell’s 1984.

      1. If you don’t like it change it. Prepare for a battle. Some of the world’s most ignorant people are affiliated with wikipedia.

    1. Says a creature that has never missed a meal in its lifetime.
      Is this another made up name or just a creature well labelled?
      Indeed ,in NDP world, you have to steal,what you are too lazy to earn.

    1. I suspect the owners voted “progressive”, so now they can live with what they voted for.

    2. So they were attacked by their own clients. Reminds me of comments made after Baltimore burned, that questioned how minorities thought they benefited from burning down their grandmother’s community pharmacy.
