9 Replies to “Don’t Worry, It’s Transitory”

  1. I don’t NEED the BLS to tell me what I hear on the News. Jobs shipped to Mexico. Jobs outsourced to Mumbai. High Tech tightening their belts, layoffs coming in the thousands at a time. The government and disgruntled (black) former employees suing Tesla. Dudes … the handwriting is on the wall. We’re headed for a fall.

    The government and media LIE to cover up the FAIL of Democrat, nay … Communist Party ineptitude.

    1. Meanwhile MSM engages in constant attacks on JD Vance, who is the best friend the working class has in this race. If you’ve not read “Hillbilly Elegy,” it’s time.

  2. CNBC hardest hit.

    Seriously, if this happens, things will get wild, not in a good way. Financially of course, things are already wild in so many other ways.

  3. The economy is tanking? In an election year? That’s bad for incumbents. #TheCackler isn’t looking good here.

    But don’t worry, #TheDonald is getting sent to jail Sept. 15th so no problem.

    Election is in the bag, baby.

  4. Consequences of staggering incompetence? None or a promotion for any “public servant” today.

    Trump will change that, hopefully Polievre too – if they’re allowed to take office by our police overlords…

    1. Unlikely, part of the reason BLS is having to do some cleanup is that their numbers and ADP’s were steadily diverging, I think the cumulative is over 1 million now.

  5. These revisions have been going like this for 3-1/2 years. The initial jobless claims report gets 100X the coverage that the revisions do, so the revisions go almost unnoticed. It’s apparent the BLS was in the bag for Biden, and now for Hyena Harris. The other amazing thing is how many television talking heads on the financial networks fail to dissect these jobless claim reports and revisions, and carry on as if everything is fine. It’s time for yet one more congressional investigation; this time into Deep State election interference.

    The numbers anyway have never made sense, even more so in recent months, as we have seen substantial layoffs announced by large corporations, in numbers that undermine the BLS reports.

    As to new jobs added, these are dominated by positions with the government (not only no value-added there, they’re actually a drain on the economy); and positions filled by illegal aliens. Remember, Democrats want to hire 80,000 more IRS agents. Think that won’t jack the numbers out of shape?

    Meanwhile, Hyena Harris continues to carry on about how proud she is of Brendanomics. Effin’ moron.

    People are soon going to see through the nonsense she spouts; she’s going to toss some more salad; and suffer a loss in the magnitude of the Mondale catastrophe.
