14 Replies to “Hey There Sugar Pie…”

      1. I thought it was pretty cool that my goldfish learned to do the backstroke.

        Then I found out…

  1. All sarcastic kidding aside… how very sad.
    My dear wife of 40 years and my beloved dogs agree.

  2. I wonder if we can pinpoint the exact moment that society decided that it was ok to encourage mental illness. It’s possible it goes back to when the Democrats started emptying out the asylums. In order to assuage their guilt, they moved towards normalizing it out of purely selfish reasons.

    Then the application of victimization took over and such things like seeing a therapist and acquiring prescriptions took on a trend like hierarchy. Of course, most therapists these days have their own issues, and I’m sure a significant number of them don’t treat the mental illnesses. Instead they teach acceptance.

  3. well.
    this just might werk fer me. lm autistic and think like a computer. it goes way way beyond average. as a mainframe operator in 1972 or thereabouts l had a very distinct memorable premonition the DEC 10 was going down. moments later it did.
    other examples l wont bore you with. ps <– THAT is not an upper case i but a lower case L. a neat keybd shortcut eh!
    l also suspect lm one of those androids that doesnt know it, having inordinate lower body strength and really good with numbers ie once out of boredom l memorized 60 digits of pi. (the trick was turn it into a 'rise and fall' sound like a song, it helped 'remind' me of the next digit)
    lm gonna have to start with a blow up girlfriend however. l hear the nips have some yet more realistic models on the market.
    no marketing skill however, lm lousy at bullshyt.

    1. ” … lm lousy at bullshyt.”

      Oh, I don’t know about that. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
