22 Replies to “I Hear Shovels Are On Sale At Cdn. Tire”

  1. Its means.. Trudeaus government is master class at pretending to stand up (for clicks) then rolling over like an ole dog (for clicks).. Playing the media and situation for all its worth..

    Classic leftism where they control both ends of the problem.. Think global warming where 17 media driven activists get to provide the liberals with the excuse to give their friends monopolies.. Liberals win, 17 activists win and we lose..

    Praise the glowing rectangle.. The giver of truth..

  2. I have TWO square nose shovels … any Tribe is welcome to one of them. For the low price of $500k. Yes, it is a “Magic shovel” … as magical as Ground Penetrating Radar.

    1. shucks #metoo K, lm selling this place, wont need hardly any garden implements,
      l got a bunch of shovels, square nose, long and short handle round nose, 2 snow shovels, and a small round nose once used for post holes lm planning will not need ever again.

      1. But are yours … “magic” … like mine!? Mine will unearth … anomalies … just as magically as GPR

  3. All theatrics to restore the Lieberal Party funding by taxpayers. The chiefs and band council members also get a cut.

  4. They have not and don’t have to find anything.
    If you are calling for it you, obviously, are a racist.
    It is 100% about the cash flow.

    Just curious, the natives got billions of dollares (as in pesos), what happened to the money, they seem to be as penniless, homeless, poor …… as always.

    1. Some are more penniless than others (the elite in First Nations [read tribal council and leaders], just like the Laurentian elite in Quebec). It is a small club and most people aren’t in it.

  5. I’ll have sympathy and donations for these unmarked graves when the Indigenous peoples can show me an Indigenous graveyard that dates back to …Oh, say around the middle of the Thirteenth century, just like the graveyards you can visit in Europe. As it stands there are billions of unmarked graves littering the globe, so why are they so concerned about funding to establish that there are unmarked graves in and around the residential schools. As an aside my grandparent’s graves lie unmarked in a Scottish graveyard and the red-tape I would have to go through to erect a simple stone marker is beyond imaginable.

  6. They can’t just deploy some recruits with entrenching tools to go dig up the “anomalies”

  7. If it so important to pretend to be interested in imaginary graves of murdered children, why don’t the Indian Chiefs use their own money rather than the future taxpayers who couldn’t possibly be responsible for their consternation.

  8. Current funding for all First Nations in Canada is at just under $31 billion. I think the Gov’t of Canada should give them 10x that amount, at $310 billion and while they’re at it, make that payment in gold, and tie it to a COLA clause in the funding so that it’s stable forever.

    Also, when is the referendum on Alberta / Sask. separating from tier 2 Canada?

  9. I am on the township committee looking after cemeteries no longer active. One can tell where soil subsiding indicates a grave. As well on the farm we have a tile prod well capable of poking into the soil to find ‘things’. I’d offer to provide tutorials, for the right price.

  10. I went digging in my back yard and all I got for my trouble was this lousy Buffy St. Marie t shirt.

  11. Heh.
    How about we offer a reward for the first verifiable evidence of a State Murdered and buried in an unmarked grave Native Child?
    And for every baseless claim,let the accuser did up 6 of these anomalies..
    The spade work would already be done.
    With so many liars ,repeating such idiotic lies.
    And as so many have asked..
    If these accusations are as credible as our Prime Minister pretends..Where is the multiple RCMP Investigations?
    So often they hype up the coordination between University Anthropology Departments and RCMP Forensics…
    Yet here we are ,not one Ground Penetrating Radar Anomaly dug up..
