14 Replies to “Where Can I Donate?”

  1. Hamas / Gazans are still holding about 115 people, mostly Israelis, but some others they’ve kidnapped from 7 October, and including the 4 the terrorists held prior to 7 October.

    When will these 115 be free so the bombing can continue?

    1. I gather most, if not all of them, are already dead, which is why Hamas is resisting negotiations, making absurd demands that they know Israel will not accept.
      That is just my opinion, as sad as that may be. I would hope the hostages would be freed, but if they haven’t been freed by now, with Israel knocking on the door, it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone if the hostages are no longer alive.
      Frankly, I would be surprised if any of them are still alive, and it pains me to say that.

      1. Agreed, I’ll be surprised if many live ones are returned. I think all is fair in war though, and by head count, Israel should return dead terrorists to Gaza. Currently the Gazans expect 2 or more to be returned for every Israeli, and I don’t dispute the value ratio of 2:1 … and feel that should transfer well to any future dead captives exchange.

        My sympathy for the Gazans has never existed, and the more I know of them, the more my attitude has been hardened.

    2. Man of the People.
      Do you think Biden even remembers that Hamas is still holding Americans hostage?

      He is remarkably oblivious to the fact that over 100,000 Americans a year die by overdosing on fentanyl. Fentanyl refined from precursor chemicals that originate in China.

  2. I hope they’re well supplied with bricks and fireworks. Maybe someone drop off a pallet or two to get things started.

  3. Let’s get ready to ruuuuuuummmmmble!

    Hope they outdo ’68. Bought a fresh jar of Reddenbacher to pop and watch the proceedings
