40 Replies to “You Don’t Hate the Media Nearly Enough”

  1. 50 bucks says Megan is masked 24/7, co-habitates with 17 cats in her $3,500 per month/89 square foot, one windowed Brooklyn apartment, encounters 800 homeless on her way to work everyday, cannot get the stench of urine out of her nostrils when she arrives home every night, pays 600 bucks a week for the bare grocery necessities, but tells everyone she loves her life!

    1. Sounds like you’ve lived in NYC. My daughter cut her chops there, and you pretty much described her life and living accommodation to a ‘T’. She lived in a Studio Apt that had been converted to a two bedroom apt. … with ALL the visuals you can imagine. The saving grace was that it was in a nice midtown neighborhood and she worked in the artsy fartsy part of Greenwich Village.

      Thankfully, she came back West, married a great Canadian man, and gave us two grandsons.

      1. I have a niece that lives in Brooklyn and she’s pretty much a Marxist. Nice enough and was a beautiful girl early on, but she’s been overweight for a while now, rarely leaves her apartment, and hasn’t had a serious boyfriend her whole life. I blame the toxic wages of liberalism for what appears to be an unhappy life going nowhere fast.

  2. Someone is going to have a miserable lonely retirement, if they don’t self-exit stage left first. The people in the article will have very fulfilling lives well into retirement. – Fact Checked.

  3. I believe I saw it here, but the investment meme of cats, wine and vibraty things is just another instance of comedy coming to life.
    We be at that real life stranger than fiction point in history it appears.
    Here in Canada…..surprise, surprise, surprise.
    After years of Canadians turning their life completely over to Government, the Government accepts.
    The results will not be pretty.
    It’s a World wide game and we’re losing.
    And there is no cavalry coming.

  4. It gets worse. Behind a paywall, but the paper is the real “Times”, and not the imitation published in the ruins of Nieuw Amsterdam.

  5. Best reply on X;:
    “you’re Childless right.?”

    When it comes to this “Female” segment of Society…you know, the Devotees of DEI, ESG, Masking, Getting their 6 & 7th booster & having their teats lopped off, etc…

    I think they ALL should be Drafted… 12 weeks of US Marine Style boot camp on Parris Island might knock some of the Arrogance out…

    1. “you’re barren, right” ? …
      I know when I’ve referred to this affliction as “barren” I’m always prepared for the onslaught of feminism to follow, like all 8 seconds of it until we get to the part about her changing a tire or equal status in “the call up” / military selective service. Then they tell me I’m fat or whatever (and I’m not at all fat) …

  6. Hating on a foreign culture.. Like transit riders hating on private vehicles.. The first mistake was opening you door for such a thing.. The second was expecting it to take you at face value.. The third was running a successful media operation and not expecting a hit piece..

    Or maybe they did.. Dance with the devil for the clicks.. What a world..

  7. We can all be grateful that the navel-gazing, narcissistic ms. him/her/them/WTF Agnew will likely not reproduce.

    1. Evolution has a plan.

      Agnew’s realization of this, and her subsequent RESSENTIMENT* regarding this fact likely underpins a good deal of her article’s hostility towards its subjects.

      * defined as “a psychological state arising from suppressed feelings of envy and hatred that cannot be acted upon, frequently resulting in some form of self-abasement.”

      1. You are right Eric, they are all evolutionary dead ends and they know it deep down, and it bothers them but they can’t speak up about it since it goes against everything that the nanny state has taught them. She knows that her fertility is dropping every year and here this women is who has eight kids! She has no prospects in sight amongst all the soy boys she knows and in a few more years she won’t have any eggs left. Well OK, she started with 2 Million and is down to 1000 at 40, but those aren’t really fertile any more. Biology sucks and Mother Nature is a Beatch if you cross her. But she still has her cats, boxed wine and, if she moves to Canada, access to MAID when she can’t afford the wine and cat food anymore.

  8. Between her and John Oliver I wonder if there was a period when the U.S. focused on importing only insufferable, four eyed dweebs from Britain?

  9. She says the wife is oppressed? Probably hasn’t occurred to her that she is being oppressed by her adherence to her patented leftist worldview. Her dissonance is fuelled by jealously of someone that is happier and more fulfilled than she is. Mix in probably internal anger that she bought into her modern feminist worldview and we end up sad examples like Agnew.

    Like all typical leftists she then has to double down on the hate to make her self feel better.

    Agnew will not never have children as she knows deep down her worldview will fall apart when she holds that life altering creation

  10. I wonder what series of events throughout her life turned her into the festering pig she is today.
    I feel sorry for any cats she may have.

    1. So do I (re: the cats). Cats are magnificent animals. It annoys me no end that conservatives are suddenly associating women having/loving cats with being left-wing lunatics. I would as also point out that there are plenty of good men who love cats.

  11. My guess is that Megan Agnew is fairly smart. But what good are brains if you don’t use them to think? Seems to me to be a perfect example of someone who was indoctrinated rather than educated.

    I suppose Agnew looks down on her parents as dumb@sses for having children and they should not have reproduced. But Agnew is of the sort that can’t think and so she never reaches the “Oh wait… then I wouldn’t be here” moment.

    Let’s let the commies fully implement their agenda and then Agnew can experience real, true oppression, not the made-up oppression that exists only in her indoctrinated head. Oh wait… she will own nothing, sit in her concrete block cube, eat zee bugs, and be happy. Misery is happiness.

    1. Lots of very “intelligent” folks are utterly useless at practical tasks. I just hope she’s mastered birth control.

  12. Ugh, thank goodness for a paywall, I don’t think I could stomach that tripe!
    Was I as neurotic as her when I was her age? I don’t think so, too busy working my ass off to “get somewhere” in life, my mistake! At least I never ended up with the likes of her, bleh!

    I’d like to see her go to Minneapolis and spend some time with a muslim family, you know, get put into a full bag, etc. see what real institutional patriarchy is all about..

    The slow march through the institutions has payed off, creation of self loathing white people is in full swing, as designed.

  13. Projection, again, from a miserable leftist.

    Megan Agnew is oppressed and afraid of her colleagues, or comrades, whatever they are.

    She knows she not only has to follow the radical liberal agenda, she must display absolute loyalty to it and promote it or her career ends fast.

    She could still breed, but that risks her career, and any guy dumb enough to breed her toxic feminist ass shouldn’t be a father because men know she could redeem her uber-liberal credentials and be a hero by joining the ranks of the single mother losers and idiots. And then your kid gets exposed to her sex predator boyfriends. Most girls are easily indoctrinated to be liberals like her, so unless you’re going nowhere in life anyhow it’s risky to breed them.

    1. A stiff prick has no conscience. And I’m pretty sure she knows a local abortionist. Or maybe she’s strictly a jar licker.

  14. The Dog whistle which annoyed me in this harpy’s article …

    “Trad wives are seen as a counterculture against the ‘rot’ of low birth rates,” says Leslie Root, a behavioural scientist at the University of Colorado. “This isn’t isolated, it is part of a wider political anxiety that I am worried might ultimately end in attempts to circumscribe women’s lives.”

    So then, this childless cat lady, so accurately described by JD Vance, is worried that ‘white women’ are counteracting the low birth rates among ‘their people’. Why do I jump to this conclusion? Well … because there is NO low birth rate among POC. Only ‘white women’ are experiencing low birth rates in America. And PUHLEEZE … “wider political anxiety”? What a clever way to say “white supremacy”, eh? And “circumscribe women’s lives”? Such a clever way to say “Handmaidens Tale”, eh?

    These leftist haters must think themselves so clever when they use inventive language to send coded messages to their fellow “intelligentsia”. They’re not fooling anyone. They HATE their own kind, as surely as Kamelala hates her own father’s white relatives … hates her own percentage of whiteness.

  15. Our creator endows each human with sublime purpose, even if only to serve as the horrible example.

  16. Another REALLY sad bit is that she’s not THAT unattractive…. before I looked at her picture I was expecting a combination of the evil spirit in Algernon Blackwood’s A Psychic Invasion, Marceline in Medusa’s Coil, and Chrystia Freeland.

    1. Megan Agnew is not unattractive at all, compared to most lieberal women, and unfortunately, some conservative women.
      As for her insides, that’s another matter. There’s one soul that is in desperate need of reformation and redemption.
      As for the article, aside from the remark about Hannah Neeleman being oppressed, one can interpret the column in different ways. Mind you… I’m not up on all the ‘coded language,’ so there’s that.

    2. I’d take it for a spin. But knowing what kind of person she is, it would be strictly catch and release.

  17. //She was welcomed into the home of a traditional American family …//

    That should be “traditional American family” in quotes.
    The family mentioned is as much an outlier as one which consists of a women and cats [or dogs]
    The article is funny and the family is actually a rather large business.
    fc has provided a direct link.

    // She says the wife is oppressed? //
    She doesn’t. The word appears as a question about her contesting a beauty pageant 10 days
    after having her eighth baby:
    // She made it through to the second round of the competition, her social media following exploded — and people went berserk.
    Was this the ultimate act of empowerment, Neeleman doing what she wanted,
    or the ultimate demonstration of oppression, her tender body encased in spiky sequins?
    Neeleman, whether she liked it or not, was declared leader of a new and controversial group of the internet: the “trad wives”.//

    Morman housewife blogs are a thing on the internet.
    And for comparison:

  18. Back in the 90’s I had a job managing a client relationship where one of the main customer contacts was a women in her 50’s who was one of the stereotypical “women’s libbers”.

    She would tell me stories about her career, the jet setting she had done, living in Manhattan, and it was my understanding that the only relationship she was in was as the other woman for a married guy in another city.

    Her career ended when the financial firm let her go in a layoff, and a few years later I heard from one of the people who knew her who was still employed there that she had passed.

    Evidently they found her after about a week when neighbors in her building raised concerns about the odor, beyond that no one noticed she wasn’t around.

      1. Trust me, every one of the many miles she had traveled in her “independent woman” life was visible on her face by the time I met her. It was cringeworthy listening to her tell her story, long before I heard of its horrible end.
