49 Replies to “You’ll Just Have To “Trust” Us”

  1. Free speech – thriving in Canada, and the frogs are comfortable.

    Where would we be without “concerned citizens?” Reminiscent of the rat program Tim Walz ran in Minnesota encouraging “concerned citizens” to alert authorities of neighbors who weren’t abiding by draconian Gulag protocols to combat Covid.

    1. Indeed, and don’t forget the role of the press: “…brought to the attention of police by concerned citizens and members of the media.”

      What used to be the “press,” in which news was admittedly presented with some degree of “slant,” has been supplanted post-Watergate by an openly progressive bunch of activists, speaking power to truth, and generally performing the same duties for the same purposes as those carried out by such famous outlets as Pravda and Izvestia.

    2. Heh … in former communist run country, this was very much encouraged and rewarded.
      The politics in this country are on track.

      Certain Khrushchev was a prophet, although a communist one. For those that don’t know, he said that the communists don’t have to move a finger, the west will willingly fall on the sword of communist dicktat (sic).

  2. Particularly interesting is that police say they acted on complaints from the public. The Stolo “nation” borders Chilliwack. And the Sikh community saturates the area. Which indian group was offended?

    1. Yes and will we ever really find out (which Indian group actually did the offending) ??

  3. Appalling on the face of it, unless the individual was inciting direct violence against any individual or group.

    Meanwhile, Conrad Black pronounces the Charter of Rights dead on the Supreme Court’s refusal to review Jordan Peterson’s case.


    Remind me again how Canadian justices are appointed without reference to their politics, unlike the evil U.S.

    1. Conrad Black is an optimist. The Charter of Rights was dead on arrival, a toothless bit of political pandering. Just like everything else in this country’s governance.

      The Supremes buried the stinking corpse and put up the grave stone.

      1. Amen Phantom, the “Charter” is worth nothing, protects you unless government decides it doesn’t. Like everything else in this shithole, coward country, it’s useless.

        1. Our Trudeau written Constitution is nothing but a licence to Pillage for the empowered elite.
          It has a clause which outlaws discrimination by all except “Government”.
          Only the gov can discriminate… In the name of (righting a past wrong) of course.

          Government hasn’t EVER righted any past wrongs, as far as I can tell.
          The only thing Government does well is shovel money out the back door,
          while they keep us fighting and arguing amongst ourselves with the old divide and conquer routine.

      2. One wag opined when the charter was being enacted that its purpose was to protect the elite from the working man not the other way around.

    2. Get the sense that the judges just don’t want to judge against the so called ‘Charter of rights and ….’
      If you think about it they just played it into the out. So as to say, not our problem. Washed their hands and everything else is good.

  4. You folks may recall the lady who posted a video of a foreigner pooping on Wasaga Beach in Ontario….she had a visit from the cops also but I don’t know what came of it.

    1. @Frank:
      We can always hope the cops visited her just to gather more evidence on the pooper.

    2. I thought the poopers were Torontians rather than foreigners. Give Toronto credit where credit is due.

  5. The new pandemic, only worse because we all have opinions.. I notice that its generally women getting charged.. How odd, said nobody at all?..

    Is it illegal to say that?.. Yet?..

    But lets be honest here.. The target is TwitterX.. If they cant get Elon they will go after his customers.. And its not what you say, but how many followers, retweets you have.. You could be a nobody who goes viral and off to jail you go.. Popular is the root word of populism..

  6. South East Asian?.. Is that east of us or east of them?.. Its confusing.. If it is us, is it not racist to describe them from our perspective?.. I think a new description is in order with a more inclusive benchmark..

  7. For all anybody knows, the woman could be one of the designated victim groups, being a woman is only one.
    The secret police is a novel idea of the federal police, possibly with encouragement of the low life political scum.

    Limited development of the story is not coming any time soon. They do have to figger (sic) the victim category of the woman and the ‘victim’.

  8. Did she not have to think her thoughts as she was typing on X.

    Call it what it is…

    Thoughts Crimes .

    E Michael Jones just covered the British thought crime police on his last Friday show.

  9. My father lived in an apartment building in San Francisco, and it was a very hard place to visit. Why? Because the stench of curry, and Indian cooking hit you in the face in the building lobby … and got even worse walking the corridor to his apartment. Just nasty. I had to sit by an open window when visiting him.

    Come on RCMP’s … come arrest me.

  10. My guess is that the first targets of censorship laws will be people who are the worst of the worst. In most Canadians minds this will justify any and all authoritarian censorship laws. Very quickly though the people charged will be anyone who is even mildly critical of a Trudeau Liberal-NDP government policy. By that time, it’s too late to stop government abuse of power.

    Very similar to how the euthanasia policy went from only the terminally ill to the federal government wanting to expand it to people with treatable conditions and young people with depression. Or, how the drug policy went from decriminalization to taxpayer funded “safe supply” deliveries to addicts. Unfortunately, Canadians will fall for the same government playbook over and over because they are naive and unable to understand pattern recognition.

  11. How many other people have been arrested or jailed for social media posts and we don’t even know about them?
    How did anyone find out about this, was it just luck?

  12. The mistake this woman made was she didn’t direct her bile against Jews. You can say anything about Jews, including calling for genocide of all Jews and the RCMP will just yawn.

  13. She allegedly directed some bile against Jews, but her most recent targets, it appears, were immigrants. She appears to be a complex and unfortunate figure neither of the left nor the right. Indeed the CBC interviewed a Vegan activist of the same name 8 years ago. Other information about her indicates she was Vegan/vegetarian.

    If what has been printed about her in the past is true, she has had a horrific early life and been seemingly ground up by a brutal social-care system. That does not, of course, excuse anything or reduce moral or legal culpability, but it might explain some things.

    Posters on twitter have alleged that this is a woman named Christine L. A woman with a consistent name, having her husband post for her, asserts on a gofundme that she has been doxxed by “antifa” [reading twitter, she certainly was doxxed by someone making significant efforts to legally trace her, including approaches that we would informally term espionage-level analysis].

    She further asserts, via her husband, on gofundme:
    “Arrested For Tweeting In Canada”
    “On August 7th 2024 I was arrested for post I had put on X formerly known as twitter.”

    “My post albeit perhaps not politically correct in the sense that I stand up against the globalist invasion happening through all White European countries presently which caused some Antifa Anti White racists to Doxx me and send screenshots of my posts to the police who acted in a questionable manner by arresting me and handcuffing me ( in case I were to suddenly reach for a phone and tweet something ).”
    Her husband’s apparent post is here. https://www.givesendgo.com/canadiangirlarrested

    Before you send money, the twitter thread does contain allegations that the husband has some involvement with non-pharmacological drugs.

    There is information in the twitter thread and in a live action dot org (pro life site? unknown reliability to me) article about a woman with a consistent name who allegedly underwent horrific trauma starting around age 10-12 in the 1980’s.

    I say this only because many of us view the 1980’s as a relatively stable time, almost a golden age compared to now. Looking at the rising tide of drugs and overdoses, fractured families, mental illnesses, and gaslighting of a segment of the population by both government and media, I suspect there will be many more Christines formed by the State in the future.

    With whatever precedents are set by this case, presumably the State will find it increasingly easy to crush dissenting speech.

  14. Those concerned about our trek into communism, well… I have some bad news for you. We’ve crossed that Rubicon a long, long time ago.
    The intent is so blatantly obvious: They want us to self-sensor. This country has gone full-fledged, communist, whacko, and Canadians, who are not aware of the significance of the passage of time… sorry… Channeling the communist candidate for the U.S. presidency for a moment, but I’m back now… who are not aware of history, or precedent, are completely oblivious as to what’s going to happen next.
    I originally thought that people will wake up, but it will be too late, and will be absolutely horrified as to the society we’ve allowed ourselves to become, but now, I’m thinking that there are many among us, that is fully aware of what’s really going on and actually *wants* it to happen, to the horror of the rest of us.

    1. That was funny. If you start carrying on about yellow school buses, do you want us to send help?

  15. In reality, the person used NME666 as a handle, while posting on a bible pounder thread!
    Phunny how the A-holes in here have zero self awareness.
    Yup, a few dumb shitts in here complained to mommy Kate.


    1. I think this post needs to be clarified, given importance of subject. To a casual reader, you appear to be saying two different things,

      (a) the person in Chilliwack used NME666 as a username on SDA and
      (b) you are NME666 (because post has appearance of being signed by NME666).

      I don’t know if either assertion is true, and if neither is true, what are you trying to say?

      1. People on this forum have been trying to figure that out ever since “GYM” has made his first appearance here.
        What’s clear is that “GYM” has a serious chip on his shoulder regarding his pure, and vile hatred of anything (or anybody) that professes a POV from a religious perspective, and that puerile hatred has clouded his judgement to the point that “GYM” doesn’t realize who is friends (and enemies) really are.
        “GYM” is a lost sole. Sad, really, but it isn’t too late for him. However he is running out of time.
        We all are.

        And no, “GYM,” I am not NME666. I am who I always have been, and your assertions will never make it true, no matter how hard you wish it to be true.
        Keep insisting that I am NME666 (who I’ve had run-ins a few times in the past), and you’re only showing yourself to be someone who is disconnected from reality. A clear mental issue, “GYM.” Please seek some help.

        1. Not wishing to throw shade on your sincere and graceful comment, fc, but to refer to GYM as a “lost sole” is a bit slipshod, isn’t it?

  16. In the UK they are now arresting people who re-post on “X” what the constabulary finds to be “hate” speech. It seems to me that your defense in such a situation should be to have the Court Reporter read back the “offensive comments” on the record, and then insist that the Court Reporter be held for “hate” speech.

  17. Considering the State is listening, Would a conversation over a cellphone containing ‘racially offensive’ content be enough to get oneself into the slammer? I know it’s not social media but at this juncture, is anything off limits to what is and what is not ‘acceptable’?

  18. The RCMP and gov’t of tier 2 Canada has clearly seen what the gov’t of the UK has gotten away with, and regardless of how their PM’s approval rating has gone this past month, he has another 47 or so months to go.

    So no worries.

    There will be a new federal gov’t of Canada soon enough, but at some point the #Libranos will return with a vengeance so holding out within this federation and not separating is probably an “own goal”

    Separate while the iron is hot.

    1. Here’s the strategy as I see it developing.
      The elites have figured out that the turd has used up all of his political capital, and so they will allow a change in government. However, the turd’s government has screwed things up so royally, it’s going to take more than one term to fix everything, if anything can be fixed. IMHO, Canada is FUBAR’ed.
      So as the situation progressively gets worse, the Conservatives will get blamed for not being able to fix the turd’s broken Canada, and that will usher in a new legacy of Lie-beral government corruption.
      At that point, the communist state will be well established, and will take multiple generations to recover.
      Just ask Russia. They’re still recovering from 70 years of authoritarian communist rule. In fact, they still haven’t completely abandoned their authoritarian policies. They are still not a functional democracy.

      Just remember… Even if PP does become the PM, the Lie-berals STILL has control of the senate. This will make things nearly impossible for PP to implement his party’s agenda.

        1. That is true, but they can certainly delay long enough so that parliament is tied up during PP’s term in office.
          My goodness… look how effective the opposition was during Trump’s presidency by “delaying” legislation. Mind you, they had a lot of support, particularly from their friends in the media.

  19. BC election to be called soon (must be on or before Oct 19).

    Likely to be an issue.

  20. There is a secret side-letter to the Charter that says that deplorables with unacceptable views get nothing by way of Charter rights and freedoms.

  21. ” … police hope the woman will make her first court appearance in the next few weeks, and if charges are approved, …”

    What a strange statement. Approved? By whom? Why?

      1. No. The cops make the decision to lay the charges. The Crown prosecutes. There are a very few offences in the Criminal Code that require the consent of the Attorney General in order to proceed – maybe the charge(s) they wish to lay is in that category?

        1. I think the charges of “public incitement of hatred” (Criminal Code 319(1)) and “wilful promotion of hatred” (CC 319(2)) require prior approval of the AG to proceed. The accused (who has self identified) is claiming that there are 2 charges, she has been charged with.
