21 Replies to “August 19, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. The Blue hair/Big glasses woman about halfway through the video cracked me up. She hasn’t had a date in 10 years and can’t quite figure out why because she knows she is a ‘real catch’.

    Gotta give her props, though, because she doesn’t pretend to be anything other than a woman and she wants to date men. Now if only she could find a man worthy enough to date her.

    I wonder, has she tried dating any guys from the rapey-beheader community? That would open up the dating pool to thousands more men she could reject.

    1. I hope everyone understands that the clip being referred to is a parody.
      The woman in the blue wig, and the woman posing the question is probably the same person.

  2. It is unwatchable.

    “Spay or neuter your woke and liberal friends.” – This has been a public service announcement.

  3. There is going to be some great entertainment this week as Antifa, the Wokesters, and the genocidal Pro-Palestinians destroy Chicago. These are Kamala’s people.

    The next plank of the Harris platform announced will likely be a call for an increase in the minimum wage for violent protestors.

    1. The problem is tthe authors omit the Magical Multiplier™, that even the warmistas need to get thermal apocalypse.

    1. I see that the highest rate is in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong people getting whacked there.

    1. Don’t believe the left-leaning push polls commissioned by the media. It’s all part of the plot to demoralize the Republican base. Mind you, there’s plenty to be demoralized about, like for instance, the threat of another election being stolen, but that’s exactly what they’re trying to do, isn’t it? Get people to believe that the race is really close so as to make the steal credible.

  4. @David Murrell

    I wonder what size of carrot they dangled in front of her when they opened the stable door and let her out?

    Maybe she and AOC will have a hehaw duet to woo the crowd.
