6 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. With a certain, (far too high), percentage of the U.S./Canada, etc, etc, et al, population being as dumb as proverbial mud, VDH’s observations ring true…far too true.

  2. I think it was very clever for the DNC to hold its convention in Detroit. It will be hard to see the difference after all of the rioting, burning, and looting.

  3. VDH is preaching to the choir.
    Left-wing projection pinkos rarely, if ever, read or watch anything that might reveal reality.
    We all might be guilty of seeking confirmation bias, but mentally defective progs are beyond any help.
    “I know you are but what am I” is about the most reasoned response you’ll get from one.
    And they are legion.

    1. That is the problem, isn’t it? The other side has such a HUGE megaphone. So huge, it simply drowns out those of us that are trying to speak the truth.

  4. An excellent evisceration of the most damaging, dangerous, dishonest Liberal/Democrat Party in living memory.
    Scary future warning comrades.
    When your history carries not one but but two communist,totalitarian Trudeaus, that is saying something.
    Too bad, very few will ever know these truths and just how much they are lied to by Government, Media and pretty much everybody.
    Sadly, doesn’t really matter.
    It’s too late.
    The die is cast.
    Serf or shoot.
    I’m betting on the “Liberal” boot stomping on the face of humanity forever.
