3 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Watched the vid….took me back to perhaps one of the dumbest things I ever did. Senegal, 1986, my late wife & I rented a car, went to Niokolo-Koba………saw a troop of baboons crossing the dirt road and thought I’d get a few pics.

    They weren’t totally enthused with my following, and as is their wont climbed a couple small trees and shook the upper branches to give the impression of a much larger creature.

    It was then that I remembered reading about baboons tearing a leopard apart…and beat the proverbial ‘hasty retreat’…….got back to the car, (they didn’t follow), and went “What was I thinking?”

  2. He’s worth a follow on Instagram rube_namibia : always cheering to see him, Cindy and assorted orphans: lots of love there
