It’s Not My Fault

Blacklock’s- I Am Not To Blame, Says Saks

Addictions Minister Ya’ara Saks’ office in a briefing note it is “inaccurate to claim” its decriminalization of cocaine and opioids is to blame for an increase in overdose deaths in British Columbia. Coroners’ data show deaths increased 16.5 percent in the period of decriminalization.

Minister Saks’ office did not cite any data or research to explain the increase in overdose deaths. “This is an extremely complex health crisis,” said the note Criticism That The Exemption Is Leading To More Overdose Deaths.

26 Replies to “It’s Not My Fault”

  1. Nope. You make drugs more freely available and more people take more drugs. It is that simple. The criticism should be directed to those who thought another outcome was possible.

  2. No politician is ever at fault.

    Climate change has caused an increase in overdose deaths since people cannot cope with the added stress due to the planet boiling.

    The solution lies in increased taxes and increased control.

    It’s for our own good.

  3. When it comes to alcohol the government controls sales to control the product. When it comes to drugs we are to believe that more drugs will not lead to more drug use. This inconsistent logic is common in governments that do know what they are doing.

    When it comes to fire arms, the less out there the better, according to government. But with drugs the relationship “is much more complex”.

    1. Thanks for pointing out the cognitive dissonance in their ideas. They can’t see the logical contradictions in their own edicts because they don’t suffer the consequences of their own ideas.

  4. Climate Change and the Opioid Epidemic

    Ongoing assessments by climate scientists, including a recent report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, punctuate the pronounced effect that climate change is poised to have in the near future on the health and well-being of humans-particularly those with low socioeconomic status-throughout the world. To this end, to date, very limited scholarly attention has been placed on the effects that climate change may have on people who use drugs (PWUDs), in particular those with opioid use disorder, and assessed their structural and social determinants of climate change vulnerability.
    (An official website of the United States government)

    1. How very neat and tidy. Surely the authors could have tied in transexualism with this theory.

      1. She’s in denial. No matter how ridiculous the lefty doctrine, they will never admit they are wrong. All the evidence, all the facts in the world, all the absolute proof will not deter the left from their faith. They are fundamentalists who will always deny the truth that is staring them in the face.

    2. “,,,those with opioid use disorder…”

      I.e., junkies.

      Let them have all they want. Darwin awards all around.

    1. We are at 9 years of the trudeau junta blaming Harper, and Liberals in Ontario spent the whole of their 14 years blaming Mike Harris.

      And they still bring up Harris as their boogyman, even when the current government is run by the Pillsbury Dough Boy

  5. What she’s really saying is, to paraphrase Stalin, “One man’s death is a tragedy, an additional five-hundred is a statistic.”

  6. Not guily by reason of having committed the crime

    Oh, and by the way, the MERE EXISTENCE of someone in cabinet called “the Addictions Minister” is its own form of national indictment.

    1. It’s certainly an indictment but she views it as an honorific.
      She’s also in charge of the MAID “program”.
      She should have just said, “Sometimes I get confused as to which hat I’m wearing.”

  7. She’s (not sure how she classifies her pronouns though, maybe I’m “miss”gendering her) from the government. She’s here to help.

    She can do no wrong…how dare you suggest otherwise.

    1. Not if they’re MLAs. I don’t like alcohol or drug abuse on the job.

      The peasants in the gallery” Sure, it’s a nice warm place and I believe a couple of the MLA’s have medical credentials in case there’s an o/d.
      If there are no medical types, let the evening janitorial staff clean up.

  8. Yes and of course there is no link whatsoever between coddling violent criminals and releasing them on bail and the massive increase in violent crime on sockboy’s watch.

    It’s “complex”, after all.

  9. Listen.. They take the government drugs and sell them to get better drugs.. So all you have done is create ANOTHER real-estate bubble.. Drug use.. Its a culture and economy onto itself.. The last thing it needed was low interest rates..


  10. Humans.. I know I shouldn’t and I don’t want to be cured.. Do my little song and dance because tomorrow always comes.. The ole adage, the keys to the liquor cabinet.. But why was it locked in the first place?.. Its because alcoholics and drug addicts are liars and they cant be trusted..

    But not the people who are trying to help them, right?.. Wrong, they know what they are dealing with..

  11. Of course government actions did not cause the logical result,that a sane person might expect of such policies, for their intentions were pure.
    These are our Progressive Comrades,as progressive as rust, Not Sees one and all.
    If their income or their grifting,depend on Not Seeing reality,they will deny all evidence.
    This is why they lie.
    The truth would f@rce them to get a job.

  12. How is it that every couple of weeks or so another of Turdeau’s ministers pops up of whom I have never heard?

  13. B C corinors report on drug deaths has a chart going back ten years. When CERB money started flooding the streets in March 2020 look what happened? “Dope will get you through times with no money better than money will get you through times with no dope.”
