15 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Goes with the meme –

    “Oh, the dogs once held a concert,
    They came from near and far.
    Oh, some they came by aeroplane
    And some by motor car.
    Before into the concert hall
    They were allowed to look,
    Each dog had to take his arsehole
    And hang it on a hook.

    Oh, hardly were they seated there,
    Each mother, son and sire,
    When a dirty little yeller dog
    Began to holler ‘Fire!’
    Out they rushed in panic,
    They didn’t stop to look;
    Each dog just grabbed an arsehole
    From off the nearest hook.

    And that’s the reason why you see,
    On walking down the street,
    Each dog will stop and swap a smell
    With every dog he meets.
    And that’s the reason why a dog
    Will leave a good fat bone
    To go and smell an arsehole
    In hopes to find his own.



  2. Doug Ford is a powerful wind – a methanic gale of sour cabbage and rotten eggs.
    Typically, the CBC article is to journalism what Ford is to physical fitness.

  3. The cost of wind generation is irrelevant so long as the cost of backup reserve generation for when the wind is not blowing is ignored.

  4. If the Anglican Church doesn’t want to be a church any more, they can give up all the benefits that go with it.

    1. They don’t want to be CALLED a church. Which is a good idea, since they stopped being an actual church decades ago and are now basically just a social club.

  5. Re: “Trudeau’s buddy goes Green (CBC).”
    Doug Ford is so full of hot air, he doesn’t need windmills.

  6. I read somewhere that one of the things human traffickers do to encourage young men to head for Europe and North America is to show them images like girls gone wild from spring break and remind them the west is full of beautiful young infidel women and girls just asking to be raped and enslaved by Muslim men.

    1. @Justin Burch

      Considering that these same young men fetish an exposed ankle below the hem of a burka, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  7. CHICAGO….

    A City that is the Gleaming Vision for All Progressive Mayors…Isn’t that right Gyoti..??
    You too were INSTALLED with significant help from Soros & Company, Trudeau and his Family connection to those who produce Dominion voting machines
