13 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. The good news for China is that “China’s CORE INTERESTS” are the Liberal Party of Canada’s main concern!

  2. arent they oh so ‘polite but firm’ in the tone and wording? what wonderous masters they will be.
    no screaming and tantrum as they bulldoze civilization.
    Chirer has not had a single day of what is loosely called dfemocracy. (they dont have it in them)
    mao even commented to nixon about why he puts up with the watergate thing.

  3. Why don’t they boot in the door of every one at the same time and look through every scrap of paper. If they have weapons send them to jail for 5 years. We cannot allows foreign police from a fascist dictatorship to hassle our residents.

    1. “…We cannot allows foreign police from a fascist dictatorship to hassle our residents.” Oh yeah? Hold Justin’s beer* and watch.

      * I use the term loosely, as presumably it’s Bud Light.

  4. The anti-Communist Chinese community are kind of the same as the Jews.
    They always seem surprised that the Liberals hate their fckn guts.
    Get licensed, get armed, get ammoed up.

    1. Yep – Jews can’t accept that rednecks are likely better friends than liberals. They believe the stereotype.

  5. Why would Trudeau shut down the “Police Stations” he might need them once the people turn against him.

  6. The interesting part is..

    Democracy with all of its BS trappings.. Happened in a moment in time when we all so happened to be rich.. As if wealth and democracy had anything to do with each other.. They don’t..

    The fact is.. The best form of government isn’t worth spit if its broke.. Take your rights and your constitution and roll it up and smoke it.. China is displeased and we don’t have two cents to rub together.. :)..

    Yes, they are not police stations.. They are social centers.. And its racist to complain..
