The Libranos: Comfy Fur For Adler


SEN. TALK RADIO — Imagine telling CHARLES ADLER as he first walked off his Sun News Network set in 2011 that he’d one day sit in the Senate — and JUSTIN TRUDEAU, then a rookie opposition MP, would be the man to put him there.

Head-exploding emoji.

But the Ottawa fishbowl woke up Saturday to a press release. Trudeau had nominated Adler for a Manitoba seat and TRACY MUGGLI, a healthcare executive and two-time Liberal candidate, for a spot next door in Saskatchewan.

— Prairie discontent: Playbook reached out to Northern Affairs Minister DAN VANDAL, Manitoba’s only man in Cabinet, in case he had a view.

Vandal did, in fact, express an opinion.

“There are many eminently qualified Manitobans who are better suited to represent our province than Charles Adler,” read a short statement from his office.

OK, then.

h/t Mike

26 Replies to “The Libranos: Comfy Fur For Adler”

  1. I always thought Charles was from the same area as Justin (Montreal), as for the reason he picked Chucky.

  2. Didn’t Adler use to be a big supporter of the Controlled Opposition, I mean the Conservatives?

    1. That was before he had government money poured all over him. The guy is now a shyster. I hadn’t heard him for a couple of years and then when I did, I thought somebody had removed some (most?) of his brain.

    1. fc, the senate is meaningless, they can delay but cannot stop legislation. It is just a reward system for whatever party is in power at the time. As some have said, welfare is more honorable. Jamie said it just today.

      1. The Senate does have at least ONE purpose, and that was to affirm the use of the Emergencies Act. Let’s not forget, that there were loud rumours that the Senate was not going to vote in favour of the EA to support Derp Fuhrer’s use of the Act.
        Curiously, he lifted the need for the EA the day before the scheduled vote.
        Otherwise, I agree, the Senate is an anachronism, and was designed to be an obtuse useless appendage of government. It’s a corrupt House of Lords in everything but name.

        1. I believe it was actually the day OF the vote – the Senate was in session debating the EA, and according to accounts from one Conservative Senator, cabinet ministers kept calling various Senators trying to figure out how the vote would go, and again according to this Senator it was looking like it was going to be razor close. The cabinet, not wanting the embarrassment of losing the EA vote in the Senate, revoked the invocation of the EA before the vote could happen. The Senate then proceeded to table the vote rather than proceed.

          All of that exposed a glaring loophole within the EA, in that the government can invoke it and use it prior to a Senate vote taking place, so long as there are enough lapdogs in the House who will go along with it. The Senate becomes powerless to stop it.

          The EA should get a revision to spell out that the Senate MUST vote on the invocation, even if the government revokes it, and if the Senate defeats the invocation, well, ideally it would be treated as akin to a loss of confidence and trigger a dissolution of Parliament, but I suspect that’s an impossible bar to clear without a constitutional amendment.

      2. “they can delay but cannot stop legislation”

        Bullshit. If the Senate does not approve legislation it is dead. Morally they cannot stop legislation but they are effing Liberals. They have no morals.

  3. Adler has repeatedly called for the senate to be abolished, including recently before he went libtard.

    1. In that case, maybe he will commit ritual suicide when he is sworn in. That would be the appropriate thing for him to do.

      1. I’m hoping he identifies as female, starts wearing red, and changes his name to Sharon Carstairs.

  4. Adler is a babbling idiot.
    On Roy Green yesterday he claimed multiple times that 90% of Canadians agree with his positions/opinions.
    Pure delusion.

    1. Rush, not to compare him with this character, would say something that was modest and inoffensive, would say: I’m going to say this until 99% of the people agree with me.
      Does not sound like a megalomaniac, as opposed to that guy.

  5. Charles Adler is and has always been a fake conservative, much like virtually all supposed conservatives in the controlled media, as well as the majority of supposed conservatives in the UCP.
