25 Replies to ““We remain committed to listening to all members of our community…””

  1. Frankly, I’m tired of my toaster oven pissing me off.. Human resources = commissar.. Yes..

  2. 1 million views in 5 hours. Impressive.

    TD bank has been bombarding my tv stations of late here in Philly with ads promoting how they’re so “trans” friendly. Would love for them to be the next target of Starbuck, but I don’t see them budging one inch from their weirdo friendly policies.

    1. TD Waterhouse told me to move my RRSP account elsewhere because I expressed concerns over the bank’s freezing of accounts. My investment advisor snowflake was “offended” by my concerns. F*ck TD.

  3. I’ve been saying for a while now that the first company to come out in a national commercial and state something like this is going to massively increase their market share:

    “Hi there. We’re Breyer’s Ice Cream. We make ice cream. That’s what we do. That’s ALL we do. Some of our competitors think making ice cream entitles them to shape your lives by diving into political arguments and social justice agendas. Not us. We make ice cream…the good stuff. That’s what we concentrate on. We use natural flavors and high quality dairy products. We have no use for the other stuff. We’re not here to lecture you, chastise you or influence you….unless you’re influenced by rich, creamy, refreshing ice cream. In that case, we can but apologize in advance.”

    1. I remember taking multiple after-service online surveys by a number of corporations I bought things from. Invariably, there would be questions about how I felt about “company-x” if I learned they were supporting … x, y, z … “the environment” … “natural foods” … “social Justice” … blah, blah, blah. And EVERY time, I responded that those attitudes meant NOTHING to me … it wouldn’t make me MORE inclined to use their products or services. I didn’t care.

      Well … there must have been a LOT of people who thought … “yeayyyyy … corporations have consciences” … “yeayyy”. Because I consider it ALL phony virtue-signaling. They should have paid better attention to MY survey responses.

      PS … Note how HD so artfully said they carrrrrre about ALL their riders. So dykes on bikes needn’t worry … HD will hire LOTS of Mexican lesbians to work in their Mexican cheap labor plants.

  4. They still got the same wokesters running the place. I’d hate to give any money to them. They’ll just wind up funding democrats and media matters etc.

    Indian has some nice looking bikes. The FTR super hooligan is interesting.

  5. Did ze CEO resign? because I’m sure if he’s still there, it will pop up again before long

    1. So the CEO who deliberately and strategically caused a collapse in HD’s user base … the man with such a poor sense of his business … who put his leftist politics above sound business decision-making … remains employed with a high 6-figure salary, benefits, and pension!?

      Yeah … the cold-turkey abandonment of HD should go on until this puke is fired … for incompetence.

  6. I read the whole thing (unusual before commenting I know). It’s a bit stinky isn’t it? Like they are being defensive and not really believing in the “drop the DEI stuff”. I’d be looking around for another bike maker. Maybe Indian or Triumph. Make a new champion.

  7. Harley Davidson now desperately hopes they haven’t damaged their brand beyond repair.

    What the hell were they thinking?

    1. Well, they once sold out to AMF. After a few years and tons of damage to the brand, they bought it back.

  8. This corporate about face has nothing to do with consumers being pissed/unhappy/boycotting. Companies are ditching DEI due to the Supreme Court ruling on Harvard affirmative action admissions being unconstitutional.

    Any company, by continuing to practise DEI hiring and initiatives, could be setting itself up for a potential lawsuit. So they are now making big public pronouncements of moving away from race-based activities.

    1. 1. Companies can still use these polices, and its very difficult if not impossible to prove in court.
      2. They can still fund whatever they like.

  9. Harley-Davidson: The most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the adverse side effect of horsepower.

  10. I suppose the empty tent at Sturgis sent a strong message also. Good on you, Starbuck!

  11. Not a win. Gotta get rid of that jochen tua girl running the place. He is still going to be the ‘taliban of sustainability’ by creating an unsustainable business model. He is still going to be promoting all of the usual anti American values, he is still going to be a puppet of Blackrock and Vanguard.

    There should be a way for companies to structure their shares so that only shares owned by a single legal entity can vote, and not those held by a collective fund having votes controlled by a manager who may actually have an adverse interest to the actual shareholders.

    Look at the Harley board of directors. Do these look like people who would own a Harley if they were not paid by Harley?
