69 Replies to ““What’s wrong with Aunt Kamala?””

    1. Nichole’s Xtweets ‘unrolled’ as an ordinary webpage, readable without requiring an X account:

      3. The ENTIRE *JOY* CAMPAIGN IS AN ELABORATE COVER FOR HER PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS. It’s the classic “Mom’s not drunk, she’s just really happy!” on a national scale.

      It’s like being gaslit by dysfunctional parents into pretending our alcoholic mom/aunt/grandma/whatever is just fine, thank you, keep smiling, the world is watching and if we pretend hard enough maybe we can fool ourselves into being happy, too!


    1. “This is today, unburdened by how shitfaced I was yesterday. I might be a little hammered today, but then today will be yesterday tomorrow, and Nancy and I are having lunch tomorrow, probably not a good day past 3.”

    2. I’ve seen clips before where she gave that “Today is today” speech, however in those instances, she wasn’t nearly as smashed as she appeared to be in that clip you posted.
      Knowing what I know, and knowing that she really did give that speech (probably more than once), it would not surprise me to learn if your clip was indeed real.

    3. This is becoming a severe problem; I can’t tell what’s real anymore. And we are only getting started.

      1. you got that right, jckirlan. severe indeed, and it will get way worse. Strawberry fields, nothing is real/

    4. Maui Wowee; or possibly edibles.

      As to the chant roaring from the seats of the DNC, sensibly it should have been “Eff Old Joe, Eff Old Joe, Eff Old Joe.” It’s amazing how vehemently he demonizes the KKK, which for decades was the action arm of the Southern Democratic Party. His party.

      And then he said “Hate has no harbor,” in referring to the US. Except when Joe demonizes the opposing political party, and calls for his supporters to engage in physical violence against Republicans, So hate actually does have a harbor, and the dock is in Delaware.

  1. This is a good tactic for Harris’s opposition;claim she’s a drunk. Maybe she is, I don’t know her personally.

    Why not, it’s open warfare down there with no rules and anything goes.

    ES, agree, surely that can’t be real. But maybe it is.

    1. Well, the Dems like to claim that Trump is a convicted criminal…..but he isn’t….decisions from the Volksgerichtshof are themselves criminal

    2. If Biden can be suffering from some sort of Mental Deterioration, and Trump can be portrayed as a convicted felon, then why not attribute “Joy” (aka “Drunkenness”) to Kamunist Kama-Kameleon. (KKK if you’re looking for an appropriate acronym. SDA readers and posters are warned: I WILL be using that acronym to refer to KKK, because I know I will get tired of typing “Kamunist Kama-Kameleon” soon enough.)

    3. Being a drunk or a pothead might actually be forgivable, and could be addressed with medical intervention; but her kind of stupid is To The Bone.

  2. It’s a toss up for me…alcoholic or in Michael Malice’s words…retarded. Goin’ with the latter.

  3. “She’s not *stupid* or *awkward*”

    She IS stupid. She IS awkward. I don’t know if she’s a drunk. I DO know she is an opportunist with a much higher opinion of herself than is appropriate. She goes through staff faster than anyone in a VP slot ever…which just tells me she is only comfortable being surrounded by “yes men.”

    It’s remarkable that an individual attempting to gain the position of President of the USA would have a very difficult time securing an entry level job in the private sector.

    1. Tru dat. Essential skills like typing are undoubtedly beneath her.

      Holding an inappropriately high opinion of herself accounts for her insistence the staff in her office in California address her as “General.” That is a level of arrogance and narcissism that, in political office with substantial responsibility, could easily lead to the WWIII that Old Joe has already placed in the queue.

      Her (stoned) perception of reality is so skewed that disrespect stated by a foreign adversary might call for the nuclear football.

  4. I watched as many in this series of drunk videos as I could, and am going with “she’s a somewhat functioning day drinker/alcoholic”

    I’ve seen this before in people I’ve known, and not that day drinking makes her wrong, it’s not like she’s working on a ladder or operating dangerous equipment. I think she’d be wrong independent of her alcohol problem. It remains to be seen if she drinks to keep the past from bothering her, or if she’s nervous and insecure of where she is in the world.

    1. … and then there is Prime Minister Shithead and his supporter pal Mincemeat Shit-for-brains.

  5. Kamelalla … “enthusiasm”
    Trump … “saying mean things”

    Your Democrat election 2024 strategy in a nutshell. Emphasis on the NUT

      1. I beg your pardon, Art, but have I somehow become chopped liver? You want to see how dumb I can be when I really put my mind to it.

  6. Drunk or not.. She has all the charm of a school principal.. Yes, good enough to do many things.. But an inspiring leader?.. The big blue machine is glossing over the fact.. Kamala is a 5 out of 10.. and I’m not talking looks.. That would be a 6.5 but I digress..

  7. Here’s a speech she gave in 2010. While she’s no more impressive, likeable, or someone I’d trust in the White House, her mannerisms then versus now are considerably different. Maybe it’s Chardonnay, or maybe it’s anti-anxiety/anti-depressants… maybe it’s what did-in Matthew Perry.

    1. If we see this version of Kamala Harris in the debate with Trump, she’s the next President.
      Much as we despise her, she has accomplished much in her career,and it was a mistake for the Right to just write her off as Willie Brown’s mistress, which I am also guilty of doing.

      I’ve always been told to be careful what you wish for, and in the case of so many wanting to be rid of Biden, well, we got what we wished for and now face a much more formidable opponent. Harris is SO politically correct she checks the first three “boxes” on the pc application for president sheet.
      Trump is an angry old rich White Man.

      I don’t think he has a chance.
      How many former leaders had a problem with booze, starting with our Founding Father, John A. MacDonald?

      They succeeded in spite of it, Harris probably will too.

      1. If you count headboard action as accomplishing much you might have a point. The facts are, however, she really has a virtual zero when it comes to accomplishments.

      2. don morris: ” [..] she has accomplished much in her career, […]”

        Agreed. None of it was good, though.

        Help us out, here. How about providing a list all of the good things she has accomplished in any office she’s held. Oh. It’s not cheating if anyone wants to dive in and add something to the list to help out.

        Here, I’ll start you off.

        #1 She made Willie Brown very, very happy.

      3. Biden is not gone, and we should not rule out potentially disastrous foreign policy decisions and actions between now and January.

  8. Trump had this in the bag a month ago. Not so now. He got suckered into an early debate he didn’t have to take. The dems knew Joe was toast and the corrupt insiders had a plan. I think Kameltoe was in on it.

    Once the public saw Biden for what he is the conspirators acted and deposed him. Within days Biden was out and Kameltoe was up and running. All this supposedly happened over a weekend. BS.

    There is a big behind the scenes story here. No sitting president has ever been removed from the ticket once he had the nomination. The US system doesn’t allow for it – but they pulled it off.

    1. Trump stated publicly years ago that Biden might get the 25th. Think he is sad that Kamala is the current nominee?

    2. You make the Demon Rats sound like the reincarnation of Black Adder.
      They have a cunning plan.
      As it requires the average Democrat to be an idiot and the media to campaign on her behalf..the first part should go real well.
      The final result ?
      Time will tell.
      Do the dead get to vote again this election cycle?

  9. If you think Trump is rambling, you’re not listening closely . Not being snarky, everything he says is for a reason.

    1. This is cult like behavior, you wholeheartedly love Trump and this severely hampers your judgement regarding anything to do with him. And there’s nothing you can do about it, you’re stuck in a negative feedback loop into which no semblance of objective reality can penetrate. I’m sorry.

  10. The fact that she’s a drunk means SFA.
    Chrurchill was a drunk.
    Its the fact that she’s a prog. commie that’s important.

  11. The 25th wasn’t used to depose Biden. It was a palace coup engineered by the boys at the top – Pelosi,the Clinton’s, Schumer Obama etc. Joe Biden was gone before the average Democrat even knew what happened.

    Trump was a fool to take the early debate. If he’d had waited until after the DOC convention the Dems wouldn’t have had time to replace Biden. Now he’s facing someone his entire team hadn’t contemplated. Calling her names isn’t working. He’s now the old man playing checkers while the Dems play chess.

    My guess is unless she falls flat he’s in trouble. He’s already made a critical (fatal) error.

    1. You say this as though none of this was contemplated or they won’t pull the same shit no matter who’s on the ticket.

      1. BJ

        That’s the point. It all was contemplated. Trump never saw it coming but neither did rank and file dems. Party corruption on full display. Bastards

      1. Well there you have it. If nobody gives a shit I guess we’ll live with the consequences because the stupid people will elect her.

    2. No reasonable person believed Democrats would default to Hyena Harris. That tells me conservatives have grossly underestimated the corruption of MSM.

      1. And the corruption of the Democratic Party itself who facilitated this…and they lecture us on democracy!
