When The “New Rules” Don’t Apply

Blacklock’s- Told Aboriginal “Boneheads” To “Get A Job”: New Senator

Liberal Senate appointee Charles Adler in a radio broadcast called Indigenous people uncivilized “boneheads” who should “get a job.” Adler’s remarks on Radio CJOB Winnipeg were so vulgar they prompted a formal complaint by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, records show.

“I don’t believe in living on reserves,” Adler said in his Adler On Line broadcast. “I don’t believe in ghettos. I don’t believe in federal government policy.”

Adler described First Nations as dishonest. “Do you think people of this community believe people running the reserves, the chiefs, are honest, have integrity?”

Update! Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Asks Governor General and Prime Minister to Recall Appointment of Charles Adler to represent Manitoba in the Senate

28 Replies to “When The “New Rules” Don’t Apply”

  1. Be serious … nobody truly wants to hear the TRUTH. And nobody wants the “FREE” money to stop flowing.

  2. I don’t agree with “boneheads” but The Indian Industry is populated with liars, grifters, dupes and status slaves. If there was wisdom in protecting indigenous peoples from encroaching European culture, it surely doesn’t apply to today’s thoroughly modern “first nations”. Their old dependence on the land — administrated by chiefs — expired with access to jobs, money, fishnets and rifles, leaving us to question why they have privileges over mines, forestry, fisheries, etc. that have nothing to do with either their ancestral “ownership” of lands or their current earning of a living.

  3. Adler will be the gift that keeps on giving. Couldn’t happen to a better guy. He can’t scrub his whole past. Welcome to the internet fishbowl Chuckie.

    Back when he was on Sun TV, as a conservative, he lectured Ezra Levant on his language and physical mannerisms, predicting Ezra would never amount to much in broadcasting.

  4. I presume he will be turfed from the liberal party for his very unliberal views. On the Indian issues, for the most part, I agree with him.

    1. Kate’s filters are amazingly random. I have only ever been blocked posting the most mundane stuff.

      1. maybe thats why a suggestion to post a link to the ‘rules’ fails because there are none.

  5. Wow. He’s back in my good books again. When he moved to Winterpeg he became a bonehead himself. That after being a strong conservative while on CFRB. I admire him for saying the what no one else dares.

  6. At least the Western Standard gives a date:
    // Adler said in a 1999 episode of Adler On Line. //

    Several years after that, our next Prime Minister said much the same thing.

  7. Hate to say it, but all he needs to do is follow Danial Smith’s act. “I was doing a show for talk radio and said things to get a reaction. Expressing views I did not hold to get conversations’ going.” I’m paraphrasing here as I do not exactly what Smith said, but that was the gist of it when the NDP tried using it against her in the last provincial election. Now if Adler does this, will it help him, don’t know. I stopped listening to him about a decade ago.

  8. So, the bonehead Adler gets appointed to the Senate which is like a reserve for white media types (amongst others).

    And don’t call him Surely.

  9. Another Michael Coren, but with no liturgical robes.

  10. They’ve gone from being the most discriminated against race in Canada to being the most pampered and entitled race without pausing to get a job. One failed policy after another.

  11. Hilarious. Betcha Wab has a relative who can fill this soon-to-be-vacant senate seat.

  12. What’s the point of the treaty perks if it keeps them in poverty?.. This land is yours, just as the UK is mine.. Apparently, my ancestors crawled out of river or lake over there.. Where is my gibs?..

    The natives were formable enemies and good friends.. They deserved their treaties.. They earned their treaties 150 years ago.. But no piece of paper lasts forever.. Its time to do what Australia did.. Hold a referendum on status indigenous, and be shocked that 80% said get rid of it.. So they did..

    Yes the top 10% in the money cried.. Life went on with everybody being Australian.. Your culture comes from home, not the government..

  13. How dare you!
    Thousands of bureaucrats and endless grifting of tax payer money ,depends upon keeping on Reserve Natives disfunctional and impoverished.
    This is, The Grand Canadian Apartheid System.
    Proof of how much The Liberal Party and Canada’s Bureaus “help and love” the Indian.
    You realize if the “Poor wee reddish brown peoples” were allowed to be full citizens of Canada,that all those parasites and grifters would be unemployed?
    The horror.
    (Sarc off)

  14. Another well researched stellar Trudeau appointment. Why is it all this good stuff pops up after the appointment when in this case it seems to have been pretty common knowledge. For all the value of the senate it doesn’t really matter who he appoints but it sure does knock a giant hole in his DEI credibility. And an even larger hole in the already mine sized hole of this governments abilities to background check anybody. No wonder we are becoming populated with terrorists, anti semites and other dubious immigrants.

    1. Are you suggesting someone inside is sabotaging Justin? Perish the thought!

  15. Now this is amusing. Does Turdo keep his number one Manitoba plandemic jab promoter or does he appease the treaty class?
