20 Replies to ““You had one job””

        1. That’s the same Fetterman. Brain damaged from a stroke followed by treatment for “depression.”

          Some days it seems like his mind is rejecting the programming but the moments of clarity unfortunately never last.

  1. …and for my generation and younger who of course are protesting this they have a much more nuanced view of the region.

    “nuanced”. Oh please. Get over yourself. You wouldn’t know nuance if it slapped you upside your head, besides, I don’t remember your name on a ticket running for office.
    If she were my comms director I’d fire her sorry ass in a NY minute.

    1. … because when he was growing up, it was might make right …

      Hey sweetie … your nuance is nonsense. It’s not might make right … it’s existential struggle. If Israel didn’t have a BAD ASS military … they would be wiped off the face of the planet. Their “might” is necessary in the face of adversaries who would slaughter every last Jew and drive them off their historic lands.

      Your nuance means you want the Jews wiped out. You want Israel … eliminated. Be honest.

  2. The rehabilitation of Fetterman and partial clawback due to his pro-Israel stance has fascinated me.
    BUT his conflating Ukraine and Israel is superficial and DEAD WRONG.
    The US neocons and proxies NATO and Ukraine led by its penis playing piano player, the scumbucket Zelensky, started this war and have refused to even consider any attempt to end it.
    He has MUCH to learn before he gains my full respect, tho I certainly respect his pro-Israel stance considering his position in The Dem communist party.

    1. “BUT his conflating Ukraine and Israel is superficial and DEAD WRONG.”

      Not to mention utterly stupid.

  3. While I agree with Fetterman on a couple of things I’m not going to forget he’s a hardcore slimy democrat on most issues.

    1. Yeah, it’s like those conservatives who support RFK Jr. … because they agree with him on COVID, Big Pharma, and dangerous “vaccines”. But choose to ignore that he is a raging Global Warming lunatic who would happily spend $$$ Trillions and Trillions “fighting climate change”. Pure insanity. Pure Western Culture suicide.

  4. Why did Fetterman hire a person who seems to have more loyalty to Charles Scummer, Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Lee, than to her employer.

  5. I’m not a great fan of Fetterman, but he is far from being the worst Democrat currently in office. As for his communications director, I hope that she already has her next job lined up with an iron-clad contract, because she’s likely to be shown the door by the end of the week (though it should have happened the day her quote went public).

  6. Are we missing the subplot?
    Fetterman was installed,so it is logical that his “Staff” should all be Party Officials.
    He was supposed to be so brain damaged,that he would repeat as programmed and vote as as told.
    Like a proper congress critter,especially a progressive.

    How dare he be so disobedient?

  7. Didn’t Johnny and June Carter Cash do a song about him? “If I were a Fetterman, and you wore my shackles, we’d trample Kamala and mock at her cackles”. Along those lines.

  8. Nuance is worse than the old-ance. It’s something you can catch from Obama, if you attend his temple too frequently.
