40 Replies to “August 20, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. fans of police google sean grayson murdered a black woman in illinois BIG q is how the hell he was ever hired.
    there are many who have an inordinate and singular furious hatred of them

  2. The Biden legacy will live on…
    “First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family,” reads the report.

    “Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden.”
    … The committee cited evidence that Biden “actively participated” in an influence-peddling conspiracy by attending dinners with his family’s foreign associates and speaking to them over the phone. These interactions were documented by email evidence and testimony from several of Hunter Biden’s ex-business partners, including Devon Archer and Jason Galanis.

    The committees also said evidence shows Hunter Biden used his father’s official position as vice president to “garner favorable outcomes in foreign business dealings and legal proceedings.”

    Beyond Biden’s conduct as vice president, the report argued the Justice Department during his presidency deviated from normal practices in order to provide favorable treatment to Hunter Biden, throwing up roadblocks in the investigation and preventing attorneys from pursuing certain avenues of inquiry, as two IRS whistleblowers testified to the House Ways and Means Committee. etc. etc
    The end is nigh, i.e., the end of a five decade career of influence-peddling, deceit, barefaced lies and sleaze. And, those are his positive accomplishments.

    1. Republicans should skip right past impeachment, and go with criminal charges for treason.

      BTW, lunatic Dems are celebrating him in Chicago tonight. Presumably for thus far avoiding indictment, which is the highest possible achievement for a liberal politician.

    2. Congressional GOP are wimps. Nothing is going to come of this. If the media doesn’t bury this altogether, they’ll come back with the narrative that this is nothing more than a GOP witch hunt in retaliation for the lawfare prosecution of Trump. The media will bury their heads in the sand like ostriches, claiming “Without evidence!”

        1. I know you are, but what am I?
          Sorry… best I can do in such short notice, but OTOH, you’re just not worth the effort.

        2. Given the track record of congressional republicans, it’s hard to disagree with him. Impeachment proceedings should begin immediately, but I don’t expect them to do anything.

    1. Didn’t I read somewhere during the pandemic that you will be denied MAiD if you weren’t vaccinated?
      It sounds like a policy a lie-beral would dream up, but technically, it isn’t true. There was no such public health policy.
      An individual physician was allowed to deny access to medical services if the physician felt that an unvaccinated patient was a health risk, so one would presume that would include physicians who delivered the MAiD service as well.

  3. Future murky for Russia-China pipeline as Mongolia omits project from long-term plan

    Not so long ago, the human-fancying pigs were trying to bring Europe to its knees by cutting the gas supply and now they themselves are kneeling before the Chinese and Mongolians… Schweinie-lovers incessantly squawk how dangerous it would be to let Russia fall into Chinese hands, but in reality China seems to prefer simply letting Russia fall face-down into the mud (a normal state for a Russian) and keep its own hands clean.

      1. Even better news, VOWG. Our chocolate ration has been increased from 50 grams to 30 grams.

    1. They said “mostly peaceful protests” about Kenosha, not Minneapolis, and it was CNN.

    1. It was like that all over the country in 2020, especially in Arizona, but they won’t admit it.
      Well, would you if you were them?

      1. No. They. should not. Not being able to donate to the charity of your choice is a major violation of rights in my view. Soon they would’ be outlawing political donations — or, as has already happened, people donating to support political protest. Charities do not require government approval. I won’t be donating to the enviros, but if others want to waste their money, that’s their choice.

    1. So the DNC has erected TWO fences to be protected by the ‘masses’ but don’t want any fences along the Mexican border.

    2. He also reiterated the Charlottesville lie about Trump saying that there are good people on both sides, even though Snopes (itself, a left-leaning fart-checker) recently admitted that was FALSE. (it only took them about 7 years, but better late than never, I suppose.) It was the reason that motivated him to run, he says. Think about it. The reason Biden ran for President was based on a lie. Well, one could then surmise that his entire presidency was based on a lie.

      Then almost within the same breath, he says that the protestors “have a point!” Hypocrisy knows no bounds with Biden and the demon-crats. His entire speech was one lie prattled off after another. Of course, they can lie with impunity, because they know that no one is going to push back and fact-check these lie-berals.

  4. One Anita Mui, a wealthy real,estate agent, has been reported missing in the Toronto area:

    The above sanitized CBC article makes no mention of Mui’s deep connection to the deep China state, but she has been heavily involved, like Senator Victor Oh, in lobbying for continued easy treatment for China spies in Canada. Google Sam Cooper’s Substack column for a good read.
