Coming Soon

Just in time for harvest.

Western Canadian Wheat Growers- Rail Strike Shows a Shameful Response By the Federal Government

The Wheat Growers Association has spoken directly with the Minister of Labour on several occasions, only to be told that binding arbitration will not be used. The federal government would rather bring the Canadian economy and our food security to a standstill. There have been more than 12 strikes in the past 14 years.

“It is shocking that the Minister of Labour will not use the tools available to him, including Sec 107 of the Labour Act, to thwart the pending rail strike. It is unprecedented in recent memory, that both railways will be shutdown simultaneously. This government is failing all Canadians, rather than prioritizing our national economy,” stated Gunter Jochum, President.

18 Replies to “Coming Soon”

  1. l thnk l know whats happening here.
    the TURDeau knows hes going to lose.
    he’s puniching Canaduh, may as well start with the ever present ever compliant west

  2. This strike is likely to happen since the government changed the hours of service rules last year, and the unions don’t really want changes to the work rules or the benefits they get.

    Also, the filter is way too aggressive.

  3. I do believe that Trudeau and the liberals take pleasure in beating up the Prairies. No one notices when they steal our lunch money. And, of course, the NDP is on the side of rail workers.

  4. The Libs don’t want the Dippers to withdraw their noses from their arses and the Dippers are on the side of the teamsters. It’s nothing but politics and to h*ll with the welfare of the country. Power uber alles, even food security for the masses.

    1. Bingo! If the Libs are seen to be opposing the the unions economy-busting position, the NDP will be pissed- off, maybe enough to withdraw their support of the Libs and leave them vulnerable to a non-confidence motion precipitating an election. Libs (especially Trudeau) don’t want an election. They don’t care about pissing-off the West because it is not a vote-rich environment for them anyway.

      1. Concur
        With one caveat
        Its not the NDP leadership that will react
        It’s their members
        You know?
        I didn’t leave the party, they left me.
        Do you know how much an MP values their pension benefits?

  5. I don’t think the Trudeau government has no idea about how a rail strike can hurt our economy. They hesitate to act to appease the lobbyists, the corporate media and the NDP. Payoffs and cronyism are more important than the welfare of the public.

    1. I disagree. Trudeau knows how much a rail strike will hurt the Canadian economy.

      Trudeau is interested in staying in power, so he needs NDP support. Hence playing to the unions.

      Too bad the union workers may lose more money via striking than they’ll get from wage increases.

      Trudeau and Guilbeault think that farming is responsible for much of global warming, so hurting farmers is a bonus for them.

  6. The Libs will sacrifice anybody, in order to preserve their craven need for power. Especially anyone in the west, like those hick rural farmers.
    Now, if it was urbanites starved of their coffee, well hell, they would be ordered into arbitration yesterday.

    1. Yes notice the difference between the response to the closure of the Windsor bridge by the Truckers Convoy. That affected Ontario and the auto industry. There was a lot of angst over that and wailing about Canada’s reputation as a trading nation. The rail strike will have a much greater impact but focused more in the West. So you are right. The Liberals are unconcerned.

  7. Huh? Can’t your PM simply freeze the bank accounts, cancel the credit cards, and jail all of the rail strikers? What? Isn’t there a precedent for cracking down on “the transportation sector”?

  8. Another boon to the Western Separation Movement.
    Dear Leader cannot help itself.
    We saw where this is going years ago,apparently when working people peacefully protest,its a hate crime.
    When lawless thugs firebomb moving trains,its legitimate protest.
    The absolute fiasco of moving our goods to market,to earn foreign exchange,pay our way in the world..has been too stupid to parody.
    We are still dependent on rail to move oil.
    We fail to get wheat to market in a timely fashion every year.
    What better than a double rail strike to thank Western Canadians for their contribution to Can Ahh Duh.

    But you better pay your taxes on time or else!

  9. If the rail workers go on strike, how many western votes will the #Libranos / NDP lose?
    I don’t think support can go much lower, but I’m always surprised their numbers aren’t lower yet.

    Hopefully the construction workers go on strike soon too. If housing starts fell to half their current level, would the #Libranos / NDP act then? The new canadians can live another year in a hotel, right?
    And NONE of them have any canadian issued qualifications to do the work anyhow!

    You see, gov’t shouldn’t be picking winners and losers. Winter is coming, and the pantry is near barren.

    When’s the AB/Sask. separation referendum?

    1. **When’s the AB/Sask. separation referendum?**

      Now that is the real question! When it happens, I’ll be throwing a lot of money at it. Screw the East!

  10. The west will pay the biggest price for this dereliction of duty. Grain shipments from the prairies will stall, creating a backlog well into fall. Alberta oil won’t be loaded on ships in Vancouver. Empty railcars will not be brought back from the coast for refills. But there are not many Liberals west of the Laurentians, and fewer Liberal votes. As Barretta said, “That’s the name of that tune.”

  11. you do realize that the globulist/wef are planning a world wide famine? hmmm? and_turdo is a star member
