13 Replies to “Entitled To His Entitlements”

  1. The only response from the Liberal/NDP alliance is “The peasants are revolting”. And Justin responds: “They certainly are” (no sarcasm – hats off to Johnny Parker and the Wizard of Id).

    1. The CBC had this story on today and they spun it by saying the government sold the old property for $13M and made the “populist opposition” look foolish. They gloated by saying “I guess the populist opposition had to appear to be doing something “.
      Not soon enough (canceling CBC).

      1. “The CBC had this story on today and they spun it by saying the government sold the old property for $13M

        CBC didn’t mention how much Capitol Gains Tax was collected from that sale.

        1. No but they would have spin that by saying that the taxes went to all Canadians.
          I presume they meant the conservative party are the populists since they are the only opposition. Well. maybe the Bloc is an opposition party too.

  2. I want to know what other expensive real estate transactions have occurred since 2015 in locations like Miami, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, etc to upgrade the residences of the consulate generals.

  3. “Let them eat Onyx.”

    — The Right Honorable Prime Pillow Biter. And don’t call him Girley.

  4. Day One is pretty full for PP.
    On Day Two, Tom Clark gets fired from this pork barrel appt, and all other pork barrel LIEberals as well.

    1. Maybe time to audit all of them to see what number the put on their income tax for the benefit of employer paid rent…
