G.I. Jane

Blacklock’s- First Data On Military Deaths

The Department of National Defence for the first time acknowledges above-average suicide rates in the armed forces, typically involving women volunteers.

“The number of regular force female suicides was higher with statistical significance from the number expected based on the suicide rate in the Canadian female population,” said a department report. Typical subjects were 33, single, with no combat experience but a history of depression, anxiety disorders and addiction. “There weren’t many who had a history of deployment,” it said.

“It was common for these members to have at least two active mental health problems at the time of death,” said the Report On Suicide Mortality In The Canadian Armed Forces. Suicide rates among men were similar to the national average for civilians, it said.

22 Replies to “G.I. Jane”

  1. So the real question here is: are these numbers higher because their miliary duties or the environment is just that toxic or… have the hiring standards changed (lowered) so that we are now hiring people with existing mental health (and other problems) whereas in past times, they’d have been weeded out in the recruiting process and not been able to join. My deep suspicion is the latter, even though TPTB will want us to think it’s the former.

    1. More likely they would have been weeded out in the basic training process. Typically, recruiters will sign up whomever they can, but the filtering happens through the rigors of training. If they’re coddling people through early training, then …

      1. I was a recruiter. During years when recruiting was good, the standards were high. Recruits needed grade 12 as a minimum. Is slow years it was reduced to grade 10. Basic training fluctuated between 8 and 12 weeks. The cognitive test we used (called the idiot test) consisted of 87 multiple guess questions. Example: What is the fifth letter in the alphabet? Shows Alphabet, then gives four choices. It was ridiculous. every recruiter easily achieved 100%. Many people failed hard. I selected out as many people as possible, as early as possible. It all cost money.
        The recruiting process cost about $10K.
        Basic varied but never cost less than $20K.
        Then a major change occurred. NCOs like me became part of the Attraction team. We went out to venues, career days, etc. We were the public face of recruiting.
        Officers handled all interviews and testing. Quality plummeted. They had no clue how to conduct interviews, but they were also handicapped by the questions they were allowed to ask. You couldn’t directly ask if someone was 18, or a citizen, or if they had a criminal record. That was all found out later.
        By now I was teaching basic. We started getting the mentally handicapped, people who were functionally illiterate, people who had never owned a toothbrush or seen a bar of soap, and misfits of all stripes. School COs made it impossible to fail people.
        I retired in 2003, but contacts have informed me that recruiting is still a HR/DEI/touchy-feely disaster.

  2. “…..typically involving women volunteers.”

    “women” is a highly subjective term these days. Wonder if tweaking the term arrives at an alternative narrative than the one that’s been put forth?

  3. Typically 33 and still single.
    Well if a woman joins an organization that is chock full of men and still hasn’t found a man by the time she’s 33, that could contribute to depression.

  4. Pretty much everybody I know who has been in the military is emotionally damaged. This does not mean that they cannot act or behave in a fairly normal fashion, but they all seem to be broken somehow. The military breaks people during basic so that they can be built into soldiers acclimated to taking orders.

    Men might be better at reassembling their personality into something workable after this breaking.

    1. Basic only breaks those people who already have huge mental cracks.
      Most people end up with fond memories of Basic, particularly if it was hard. It means they accomplished something.

  5. “It was common for these members to have at least two active mental health problems at the time of death,”

    Here, let me fix that sentence for you:

    “It was common for these members to have the same two active mental health problems at the time of death that they had at the time of their recruitment”

  6. The number of women serving in the military who identify as heterosexual is disproportionately smaller than the general population.

  7. I believe I’ve seen a few ID Channel stories about female military “suicides” that were anything but. It seems that the ratios demand at least two or more enlisted men sniffing around the same enlisted girl … and bad things happen. Add drugs to the mix and … well … people die.

  8. Now tell us how many were trannies (either way) or dykes on the broomball team. And let us not forget the cat ladies.

    1. How many were male born trannies who joined up to get a free nip-tuck in the dickal area? Trannies have a super high suicide rate whether they have surgery or not. Surgery is often accompanied by chronic plumbing problems and the dick removal doesn’t take away the nutiness.

  9. It could be the toxic work environment. Once you ban humor, stress levels increase. A too Woke mililtary can push susceptible mentalities over the edge.

    1. Could be part of it. There are many men who do NOT want to fraternize, joke with, or pal around with women at work. Doubly so in the CF. Annual harassment briefings, reminders before every event/course, harassment officers in every unit, etc. Addiction and 2 other mental disorders? Lemme add another: a woman boss. They should pull the numbers as to how many of these women had another woman as a boss. They are often as bitchy and cruel as can be, especially to other women. A boss in the military can shit all over your annual report, make life hell and destroy your career. Complaints from a woman against a man are easy – man is guilty. But from a woman against another woman, probably harder.

  10. “… women volunteers”

    Did the liberals start the draft for women when no one was looking? Or a prison diversion program?

    Canada hasn’t had conscription since 1945.

  11. Interesting.. Is the military attracting troubled women or creating them.. I would suspect army recruiters are farming our halfway houses for down and out recruits.. They wanted women and now they got them..

  12. This is what happens when they make Basic Training so easy anyone can pass it.

    When I went through, we started with about 135 people in the platoon. In the first two weeks, we lost about 30 of them; including 3 attempted suicides.
    By week 5….all of the really weak ones were gone. Few more before graduation.

    But the ones that made it through….wouldn’t break down and cry if they were having a bad day.

  13. There is a large number of women being promoted to, or appointed to positions of power within the CF lately. Commanding Officers, Chiefs, heck even CDS. Out of proportion to their percentage representation. DEI in action. Some are competant, don’t get me wrong. But the average percentage of women in the CF is less than 14% and you aim to have as many Sr or leadership positions filled by women because this is the current year, you end up with duds. You fish out of a small pond and the fish you pull out get worse and worse over time. Some people are promoted over their abilities, or some can’t handle the stress and that is one way you get suicides. Men kill themselves over this too.
    Ever had a woman boss? Ask other women how fun that is. If a woman has a problem with a male boss, it’s easy to deal with. One complaint and the man is gone, or has to put up with that woman, even if she is incompetant. A woman boss? Not so fast. It doesn’t matter who is the asshole then, the boss or the employee.
    A female boss is not the pushover a man is. The system has trouble dealing with that, and will probably err on the side of that higher ranking woman, because the system cannot admit it was wrong in promoting her. And man can they be a bunch of bitches and make shit up too. A military boss can make life hell and ruin careers the way only the military can. Women can be very vindictive.
    Another issue: Remember when men in position of authority sexually exploited their female employees? We all condemn this, needless to say. However there are women who were very willing participant out of selling sex for promotions. They have the advantage of being able to play victim and use backmail. There are some still in the system. If you even hint these people exist, your career will be over. It’s a taboo subject. Women are victims, and that’s that. The system cannot deal with this. So now some of them are being promoted beyond their abilities (see above) and some others… well, their old tricks don’t work anymore. Additionally, there is a new kind of female predator now. The system can’t deal with that either.
    It doesn’t help if you have 2 mental issues and suffer from addiction on top of this. Or maybe these situations led to it. And every man in the CF now knows better (or should know better) than to fraternize with, joke with, or pal around with military females. It takes a while to figure who you can trust. I suppose all the above increases the isolation some women may feel, all thanks to feminist policies. Add a bit of possible lesbian spousal abuse to this list. Sorrry for the wall of text.
