16 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. who in any way involved in this case, known to the family, related, parents of school friends, any and all such . . . . . . . voted Liberal? aka her blood on their hands.
    keep reminding them.

  2. I don’t think this is a great place for the borat headline…

    I’m all for second chances but, 3rd, 4th, 6th.. at some point they need to be locked up. just like drunk driving. They will not lock a drunk up until they kill someone too

  3. I’m sure the “youth” will be just fine with a proper “healing/smoke ceremony”. Thankfully, he wasn’t a licensed vetted gun owner, and appears primed for a great life of crime. Had he been a PAL holder, they would have him in solitary for the next ten years or so, S/

    These days I’m afraid to even open my gun safe, as doing so, might get me arrested. Does anyone know where I can sign on to Criminal R Us? I just want to avoid future legal problems!

  4. They should hand out guns like they do drugs.

    They say that the “War on Drugs” doesn’t work so the Liberal solution is free drugs for all. The funny thing is that Fentanyl alone has killed far far more people in Canada than guns ever have. Drugs the number 1 single killer of young Canadians.

    The “War on Guns” doesn’t work either, regardless I’m still betting they won’t go for free guns for all.

    1. I am conflicted about the deaths from Fentanyl. I really do not care about most drug addicts, but they harm they do because of crime to support their habit affects everybody. As well, there are some people who become addicts because of mental health issues so they should be helped, but NOT by giving them free drugs. So yah, I am conflicted.

  5. So is it 5 previous convictions and he was on bail for a 6th violent crime involving a weapon, or was it 6 convictions?

    Looks like 6 convictions.

  6. Terribly sad. Prayers for her and her family. But I’m afraid they won’t be happy with how the justice system treats the killer of their murdered indigenous woman.

  7. Another terrible gun tragedy. Time to turn the screws on legal gun owners, of course. The gubmint does say gun violence affects minorities and LGBT the most, and this time it’s not a lie.

    The suspect was treated with kid’s gloves by the legal system all his life. No consequences for what he did previously. Now he’s going to do hard time probably, too late to turn his life around and too late for that girl.

  8. Our jails are overfilled with POC !! So we MUST set them free or else “no justice, no peace” … right? Mass incarcerations oh my!! Set the criminals FREE!! No bail. No sentences.

    And watch the suckahs DIE

    1. Yeah, I only read the headline and I knew that.
      Is his victim going to be added to the Missing and Murdered Woman hoax?

  9. Note that the 18 y.o. victim was a “woman”, i.e. an adult female, while the murderer is a “youth”.

  10. I find it curious that no possible motive was given to explain such irrational violence.
    I suspect it could be because the motive might just shine a new light on the “decolonization” narrative.

  11. Note how they list all the firearms offenses along with “manslaughter” as if they are of equal importance. Why not “murder”? and leave it at that. It’s as if the firearms offenses were the motive and cause of the killing. That’s the narrative.
