7 Replies to “Pipelines and EVs”

  1. Don’t have time at the moment to read the article but the picture as they say is worth a thousand words. We have a standard electrical appliance recepticle in North America, and yet this ‘new’ industry that plans to revolutionize travel cannot see fit to implement a standard cable and plug-in for this industry from the get-go. A prime example of built in obsolescence. A true example of the coming together of rocket science and brain surgery!!!!

  2. TMX

    It’s a definite bump up in Exports…
    But the REAL Game Changer..??
    Would be seeing Trudeau and his NAZI party gone right alongside the NDP.
    Anti Pipeline laws Obliterated
    Anti LNG Exporting Obliterated

    As for EV’s..?
    Un Recyclable JUNK.

  3. From the EV podcast …

    CA will need to provide 20 EV charging stations for each and every gasoline nozzle in the State. Yes, because it takes 20x longer to charge your vehicle than to fill the tank with petrol. There are 110,000 gas nozzles in the State … so we will need 2.2 million EV charging stations by 2035.

    or …

    You will be confined to your 15 min. cities. Yeah … that’s REALLY the plan.

  4. I saw an interesting comeback on LinkedIn today. Someone was laughing at luddites saying that folks like us were sure the car would never become popular because horses were a superior form of transport.

    One of the responses was a long the lines of “There were electric cars back then too and nobody wanted them either. But back then you weren’t in charge so we didn’t shoot all of the horses and make sure they were extinct so that people had to use electric cars”.
