68 Replies to “Schlong Covid”

    1. My thoughts exactly… you beat me to it.
      The Turdhole should offer himself up to the Government execution bureaucrats, immediately.
      For the good of the “Post Nation State” he needs to set an example.

      Its a great way for the Turdhole to show his loyalty to his leader and boss, Klaus anal Schwab.

      1. Who was it that said “love of country” over “love of party” or some other cringeworthy idiom like that… just before he flew off into the sunset in Californika.
        The turd should take that advice.

  1. Yeah, something seems off. I get the same vibe from Jon Stewart…he seems too jaundiced of late.

    1. It only happens after six COVID vaccine shots.

      It might be cancer. Or maybe it’s something serious, like, his boyfriend broke up with him.

  2. Not to worry … there’s an AIDS vaccine for that

    How ironic … both our FAILED leaders are dying at the same time. That’s one way to remove Fascist Authoritarian Dictators.

  3. Time to fire his personal photographer. You know, the guy who takes photos of Blackie looking pensive and in deep thought at his desk so as to give the impression that he is burdened with heavy decisions (orders to execute).

    1. The personal photographer who was taking photos of The Turd being photographed while signing photos of himself with photos of himself in the background in his taxpayer paid for office?

      That one?

      *Marc by Marc Jacobs for Jacobs Collection couldn’t be reached?

      1. You left out the security cameras, marc, Prolly took the tapes because there were some interesting angles of PM Zoolander that you can’t get from the floor.

  4. It is an alien.
    Have you not been paying attention?
    As our media has attempted to point ,over there, and normalize the concept of aliens living amongst us..
    This creature,apparently spawned by mating Margret and Fidel, has some unearthly features.
    the dead eyes.
    The mobile eyebrows.
    The urge to paint itself black without provocation.
    And an unnatural hatred for human beings..

    Looks like its disguise has worn out..
    Is it cut off from its base?
    Or is it so stupid that it now endangers its fellow invaders?

  5. I’m guessing AIDS. Or monkey pox. Or some other exotic new disease that somehow only infects boys who prefer boys.

  6. He’s missing all those home cooked meals … #Sophie

    And, he’s wearing shoulder pads which would normally make one’s shoulders appear larger,
    but he’s failing on that file too. Remember his photos when he boxed in the ring with that Senator? He held his own against a larger opponent, and now? It’s just gone.
    It seems a long time ago for his muscle mass.

    1. Forget MAiD,he should go out like a man,at his own hand.
      I’ll be happy to lend him my Colt .45 pistol if he’ll let me watch.

      1. Too good for him. Let him use one of those goddammed worn out POS Brownings the CF had since WW2.

  7. Vaccine injury causing chronic nausea. I know several people with similar issues.

    Lots of sickly skinny people lately who are not on ozempic.

  8. His ego can’t handle his fall from ‘grace’ such as it was — go-go media boy.
    He’s likely taking something to make himself feel better.
    Coke or what have you – he’s looking rough for sure.
    I smile.

  9. Canadians are just heartless, cause we made him Prime Minister of the country there is a village somewhere in the word deprived of their village idiot.

  10. The hatred and mockery of Blackie is very palpable and appropriate.
    Should we tolerate his hubris any longer?

  11. It could just be a bad picture or it could be something much more serious. If that is indeed weight loss it could well be the result of cancer, more specifically Turbo Cancer. The kind that the Trudeau vax induced in thousands of people.

  12. He looks as gaunt as former prime minister Arden from New Zealand. Could be illness, stress or narcotics. Here’s the ones that are most likely to cause weight loss:

    Benzodiazepines: Some benzodiazepines, such as those used to treat anxiety, may cause nausea and constipation as side effects, which can lead to unintended weight loss.


    -Certain narcotics with amphetamine-like propertie may have appetite-suppressing effects.

  13. One shouldn’t wish evil, even upon one’s enemies. But I think it is okay for them to reap the consequences of their actions.

  14. I say it’s just the lighting. Or maybe it’s airplane food and booze, he’s alway on that goddammed thing flying everywhere.

    1. Two hundred thousand dollars of “airplane food and booze” per trip will do that to you….

  15. L – Sooner or later, the face of evil, can no longer mask itself. The portrait of Dorian Grey story?

    Hades on the Rideau … “If God doesn’t destroy Ottawa, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah, an apology.”
    What meme will be his “legacy”?
