48 Replies to “The Dumbest Voters on the Planet?”

  1. That’s why voting systems should have a mandatory set of multiple choice questions. If IQ too low, vote should be nullified.

    1. Dan
      Scaled voting, and knowledge of issues should determine vote value, also need to consider contribution to the general values of the country. Welfare down grades, home ownership and tax paying increases vote value.

        1. How about only those who pay net taxes get to vote.

          Why do we let clowns so incompetent as to have no taxable income make financial decisions?

      1. Yikes!!! One person, One Vote, GYM. They all count, no matter how brain dead you might be.

        You should know!

    2. From ‘Beyond the Fringe’ (Judging or Mining):

      “I managed to get through the mining exams–they’re not rigorous, they only ask one question, they say, “Who are you”, and I got 75 per cent on that”.

    3. No, that’s why giving any power to the State is stupid. Democracy means giving all of these ignorant people total power over your whole live.

    4. Our father introduced me to the novels of Nevil Shute (died in 1960) when I was about 12 or 13. I am currently re-reading him through the Nevil Shute Anthology, loaded onto KOBO.
      Nevil Shute wrote many novels about Australia – most famous being “On the Beach”. I do not know if this is true or just part of his fiction, but his Australian novels had a multi-vote system. Everyone received the basic vote upon turning 18. Then if you owned property, you received another vote. If you had done military service for at least 2 years, you received another vote. If you were a professional (lawyer, doctor, engineer) or owned a business, you received another vote – to a maximum of 4 votes. The idea was that owning property, a business, serving your country in the military, meant that you had a greater stake in the outcome of the election. I like that idea – I would only have 3 votes then, as I have not served in the military.
      Hopefully, this multi-vote system would “weed out” the “less than special” people.

  2. Yeah … but … yeah, but … “Trump sucks ass!” (sic).

    Goodbye sweet America … Goodbye. The only question now … is how FAST America transforms into Zimbabwe or South Africa?

    1. The woman in the purple shirt who said “It’s a no-brainer” described the situation perfectly.

      1. Yes, because you have to not have a brain to vote for her.
        That is why the education system isn’t designed to educate, but to obfuscate, then indoctrinate.
        These people have been brainwashed, and they don’t even know it.
        I’ll bet that they’ll be able to prattle off the lyrics of the latest Kesha video though…
        That’s what really counts in life after all, isn’t it? (yes, that was /sarc… It’s sad that I have to explicitly state something so glaringly obvious.

        1. Keeping up with popular culture is far more important than who drives the Hellbound Train.

          BTW, if politicians had walk-on songs like ballplayers do, hers would be ‘Sunday Morning Coming Down’.

          1. Way too many people vote for the person the media tell them to vote for. These folks think they’re smart, but they’re nothing more than puppets.

        2. Per H. L. Mencken:

          “The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.”

    1. Exactly

      Let’s not get too uppity about how dumb they are in ‘Merica, when Canada has elected Trudeau multiple times.

      1. Actually, to be fair to Canucks, the majority of voters DID NOT vote for the turd in the previous two elections.

        The problem was that wasn’t enough.

          1. Yes, almost 60% voted for some far-left party. Not that the CPC, at the time, had much of a different option being offered.

    1. Well, if you’re gonna make it a contest, Wester, the Canadian Liberals and US . Democrats are both in it to win it

      That contest looks like it will go down to the wire.

    1. “No, there’s also some people who think the 2020 election was stolen.”

      And a whole bunch of dimwits who actually believe it wasn’t….just don’t ask them to prove it, or they go ballistic.

      (because that’s what people with nothing to hide do, right?)

      1. *^^^^^*
        Democrats in Georgia outright admitted it this week.
        Question: How many people can live at (and register to vote) at one address? Answer: at least 900.

        1. “Democrats in Georgia outright admitted it this week.”

          And that’s just the latest. There have been several others in various states that have already proven (yes, PROVEN) 2020 election fraud, but Allan and his ilk refuse to watch any news sources other than CNN and MSNBC so they will never hear about those.

          I look forward the most to seeing Ruby Freeman and her daughter testify.

    2. AllanS doing his best to prove OUR point!
      Where have you been, Allan… I missed you!
      Had to put up with GYM while you were away, so believe me when I most sincerely say “Welcome Back!!!”

  3. I still expect Putin to make a surprise appearance at the DNC later his week, to celebrate the first “Soviet-style” anointment of a candidate for president, whereby no votes from citizens are required.

  4. Yes they are dumb…..and the way you can tell is they think they are SMARTER than everybody else. Like those who went to Jonestown with the Marxist Jim Jones.

      1. These are the people lining up in droves for free vasectomies. (Never stop your enemy when he’s making a mistake). I hope they disconnect thousands of the morons.

  5. Sorry I got kicked off of X. I said something they didn’t like. So much for freedom of speech.
    So as a result, I can’t read your link.

  6. Ballots from income tax returns – you pay more than take? You get a ballot.

    You take more than you pay? No ballot for you.

    Welfare queens, firefighters, teachers, doctors in canada, politicians, bureaucrats, etc. – no ballot.

  7. I find that DemonRats, LIEberals, NDiPpers are the dumbest low information in about pretty well every subject, not just voting.
