Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community

Trouble in Rainbow City…

The Liberal Party of Canada is the latest major group to withdraw from the annual Ottawa Pride parade after organizers pledged solidarity with Palestinians in a statement earlier this month.

The federal political party’s decision comes as some embassies, civil servants, and local organizations pulled out of the event amid the controversy.

“In light of recent decisions made by the Capital Pride board, the Liberal Party has decided not to participate in Capital Pride events this year, and instead will host our own event to celebrate Ottawa’s 2SLGBTQI+ communities,” said Liberal Party spokesperson Parker Lund in a statement.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has previously taken part in the Pride parade in the nation’s capital, as have some other prominent political leaders. […]

The wave of backlash began after Capital Pride issued a statement on Aug. 6 expressing solidarity(opens in a new tab) with Palestinians and accusing the Israeli government for “pinkwashing” the ongoing Israel-Hamas war by citing its LGBTQ2S+ inclusivity in an effort to “draw attention away” from its actions in Gaza.

The statement condemned, “in the strongest possible terms,” the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7, 2023. It also pledged to “recognize the ongoing genocide against Palestinians” in opening remarks at 2024 Capital Pride Festival signature events, among other commitments.

While some organizations, such as Queers4Palestine Ottawa applauded Capital Pride for pledging to boycott Israeli companies, the statement drew considerable backlash from Jewish residents and advocacy groups such as B’nai Brith Canada and the Jewish Federation of Ottawa.

24 Replies to “Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community”

  1. Cripes these people have no clue.

    You can find a “pride” parade in Israel.

    You will NOT find a “pride” parade in Gaza.

  2. It’s clear that the CTV (well, 99% of Canadian media) have great difficulty picking a side between the gays and those who would like to toss them off buildings.

    115 hostages to be freed, then talk ceasefire.

  3. I thought Juthin and his libs liked the homos and muzzies.

    I wonder who his new fave group is??? Monkey pox people??

  4. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has previously taken part in the Pride parade in the nation’s capital…

    Say no more, say no more.

  5. The boy king must be conflicted. To Pride or not to Pride, that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to wear fabulous outfits, or to take arms against a sea of troubles caused by the alphabet people, and by opposing end them…. with apologies to Wilie the Shake.

  6. Not to worry … they had their OWN Rainbow, 2s nonsense, Queer, Queef … celebration of oddities or something. Yeyyyyy … *cough* … *cough* … *hack*

  7. Trudeau does not want to be in a parade that is shut down by Hamas supporters. He would then have to “take a side”…

  8. Who had internecine wars between queers for Palestine and liberal Jewish boomers on their bingo card? Just raise the white flag now Canada.

  9. The Jewish numbers are essentially immaterial to the Spawn. He must be torn by the relatively close numbers between Muslims and the alphabet people. “It looks like the Muslims are in the lead…..and as they cross the finish line, it’s the Muslims by a quarter of a furlong!”

  10. This war is awesome! Two vicious, anti-white hate groups slaughtering each other in large numbers (hopefully it will expand; go for it Iran!), and now the mpox sphincterite community is being anally ripped apart by it!

    Moar pleez.

  11. Screw the queers, penis mutilations and their incredible stupidity. And the liberals.

    Hamass can go to hell too.
