27 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Walz has obviously never been to China, I mean outside the controlled areas of major metropolitan cities.
    The small cities, towns and rural areas show a poverty that would totally belie this statement. Not easy to move from these to metro area, travel restrictions.
    Even the large metro areas are a study in contrasts.
    Not much to admire there.

    1. But, but, but … FREE rice! And your Doctor is paid the same as the Janitor! And a grown man in the USA calls those GREAT things?! That’s sick. Very sick.

  2. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-perpetrating-war-crimes-plain-sight-says-resigned-uk-official-mark-smith

    “What we can see is appalling acts of violence perpetrated on civilians, on civilian property,” Mark Smith, formerly the lead author of the central assessment governing the legality of UK arms sales in the Foreign Office’s Middle East and North Africa directorate, said in an interview with BBC Radio 4.

    “It’s actually quite clear, even from what you can see in open source… that the state of Israel is perpetrating war crimes in plain sight,” he said.

    “Anybody who has a basic understanding of these things can see that there are war crimes being committed not once, not twice, not a few times, but quite flagrantly and openly and regularly.”


    1. Today Israel brought back the bodies of six men kidnapped and held hostage Oct 7th and then murdered. All but one were 79 or older. What kind of monsters take frail old men hostage and then murder them in captivity?

      1. “Mohammad Bhar (Arabic: محمد بهار; 2000 – July 2024) was a 24-year-old Palestinian man with Down syndrome and autism who died after being mauled by an Israeli military dog in a Gaza Strip house during the Second Battle of Shuja’iyya in the Israel-Hamas war.”


        All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

        1. Palestinians have been killing innocents for years. Hamas says they’re not going to stop killing.

  3. Old uncle Chuck Adler is the prototypical Canadian.
    Sometimes he feels conservative but most often he is centrist with a very Liberal lean. And visibly he can be bought and later rewarded with a $enate job.
    So Canadian of Charles.

  4. When Adler left radio in Winnipeg, I was more than a little disapointed to discover him on a national broadcast sounding like a dyed in wool Liberal/Socialist.
    I assumed that he had some sort of health problem where his testosterone levels when to zero and he’s been perscribed estrogen by mistake.
    He has fully transitioned to “Karen” at this point.

  5. Never liked Adler. His radio show consisted entirely of cutting people off and making fools of them by not letting finish, hanging up on them, then distorting what they said, and mocking them. I called in once and got the Adler treatment and I never listened to him again. I accidentally caught the tail end of one radio broadcast during the plandemic and he was among those calling for extreme punishment of the people who refused the jab.

  6. One might reasonably conclude from Walz praise of the PRC, that he succumbed to their Potemkin village propaganda while he was a teach there, paid twice what local teachers were, and given the only apartment with air conditioning and a color tv, as if he was some commie bureaucrat in good standing with the party.

  7. Re Adler text from TNC: it must be a very painful job to sift through all that. It’s like opening multiple vomit bags to see which one smells worst. And Adler, what a disgusting character: to get older and advance not in being wise and vertical but being more prostitute and boot-licking.

  8. Adler will probably find that in the Senate they require a bit of decorum, some of its “sobriety” and so he’ll need to probably keep his fckn piehole shut.
    But I doubt that’ll last long.
    He’s a professional asshole-authoritarian and his ego will prove that he is unfit.
    A C.A.G.E. Seacan for one of the loneliest spots on Ellesmere might be his.

  9. That Media scumbags like Adler continue to get comfy-furred rather than regular, ongoing “encouragement” from Canadians is yet another indictment of the current status of the Canadian Mice ….er people.
    Our lying leaders have often noted that the Media play a huge role in a working democracy.
    So what do you do when you realize that the Media is not who they say they are?
    The exact opposite in fact.
    Not unbiased.
    Not non-partisan.
    Not un-agendized.
    Not honest.
    Not on your side.
    In point of fact, some of the most horrible people in humanity.
    ALWAYS LYING to their fellow citizens so that the rich and powerful can get more so.
    Doing everything they can to promote this Potemkin Democracy.
    Much deserving of some toppled statues and bouncy castles.
    The Media resides somewhere between elder abusers and pedophiles.
    Nary a honk to be heard.

  10. Hey SDA… love what you do but can you not find other sources for editorial cartoons than The Patriot Post?

  11. I am so amazed at how Adler could speak and type all while he had a rooster stuck deep in his mouth.

  12. I never listened to Adler nor ever wanted to but from those tweets I can only surmise that he had ambitions to work for the CBC but had to settle for the gift of the senate. As with all of Trudeau’s ilk and not unlike street whores, he earned his gift but now carries God knows what in psychological STDs.
