34 Replies to “August 21, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. From a picture caption in one of the links in the Federalist story:

      “ Then-Minnesota Democratic Rep. Tim Walz and his son Gus “

      “Gus”? Was he named after Gus Hall, famous perennial communist presidential candidate? Let me answer that for everybody. My guess is probably YES!!!!


      “ He was the Communist Party nominee in the 1972, 1976, 1980, and 1984 presidential elections. ”

  1. A new word in firefighting, Russian style: https://s00.yaplakal.com/pics/pics_original/8/3/9/19331938.jpg

    Backstory: near Rostov in Russia, after a Ukrainian drone strike, an oil depot burns for the 4th day now. Russian employed 500 firefighters, 80 fire engines, 4 aircraft and 3 firefighting trains and it still burns. But Russia has a special trick up its sleeve when the technology fails, the one on the photo above. How much money will schweinie-lovers be willing to bet on its effectiveness?

      1. If you want to get answers to your questions, maybe you should invest some time into learning at least the basics of punctuation?

    1. You’re such a brave keyboard warrior. What’s stopping you from being a TRULY BRAVE warrior, flying over to the homeland, and show how it’s done, comrade brother.
      C’mon, snurfer, show what really brave blowhards do.

    2. How what’s done? There’s no war in my homeland. Also, my post was not about glorifying a war, duh.

  2. Eating processed and red meat increases your risk of type 2 diabetes…


    The study looks like a statistical analysis of meta-data and never addresses the “why” read meat increases the risk of diabetes (hint: meat does not affect blood sugar levels), only that it does. I guess when you have statistics (and an agenda) you don’t need answers.

    1. The meat itself won’t affect blood sugar levels, but…not many eat any meat straight up, without being slathered in a sugary concoction based on high fructose corn syrup, BBQ sauce, ketchup, etc.

  3. For those who do the substack thing, David Stockman has an interesting essay (The Trump/Harris Race To The Bottom Of The Economic Policy Dumpster). Here’s an excerpt:

    “In short, neither UniParty candidate has a clue that the overwhelming economic policy challenge of the present era is the urgent need to shackle the nation’s rogue central bank. As we will amplify in part 3, its the ultimate source of the nation’s runaway public and private debt, the egregious explosion of financial wealth among the top 1% and the cumulative inflation that has savaged savers and wage earners on main street.”

  4. Name-calling can be seen as a substitute for a well-thought-out argument or discussion. When someone resorts to derogatory names, it might indicate they lack the intellectual depth or the vocabulary to engage in a nuanced debate.
    Just sayin’

    1. And sometimes it means they have the intellect and vocabulary to engage in some seriously spirited derogation. In which case I say, let ‘er rip!
