16 Replies to “Dissecting the Endless Lies @ the DNC”

  1. I don’t know if the allegations that Harris has a drinking problem are true. Perhaps she just TALKS like she has a drinking problem.

    1. Would the Democrats tell us about Kamala’s drinking?

      But perhaps it’s drinking and cocaine?

  2. Metoo# at the DNC.
    This is turning out to be the greatest LieFest of all time.

    That liberal paragon of virtue, Bill Clinton, is singing the praises of Kamala Harris right now, at the DNC.
    We all know what his criteria are. The man has the morals of a junkyard dog.

    Last night the Obamas both praised Kamala for how hard she’s worked to get where she is. As when Biden anointed her border Czar, and she couldn’t even find the damn thing. The woman couldn’t hold a job in private enterprise if she worked for free.

  3. Matt Walsh … and others … are missing a key point about the Kamelala Doritos pantomime. It wasn’t fabricated JUST to humanize her … to make her appear as “regular folk” … not an insulated political elite.

    But she claimed to love Doritos as just another way to copy Trump. It wasn’t enough to steal Trump’s reduction in the price of insulin … or his call to eliminate taxation of tips (which are a gift, not a wage) … but they are trying to copy Trump’s affection for Diet Coke and MacDonalds. Common products, consumed by the common man (and woman). This campaign of prefabricated enthusiasm for the LEAST qualified candidate for POTUS in my lifetime is astounding. Is truly frightening. It’s being made in a Hollywood basement … to paraphrase my beloved Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    1. Yes, that may have been the first time she’s every visited a convenience store.

      I can’t imagine what dinner table conversation is like at the Emhoff-Harris household.
      “How was your day, dear?”
      “Good, but we brought in some new interns, and one of them rolled her eyes when I introduced myself and told her what my pronouns are.”
      “What’s wrong with your pronouns?”
      “She/her might be a micro-aggression for the LGBTQXYZ folks.”
      “I thought about “it” but I just don’t know. Barack probably knows some consultants I can talk to.”

      Democrat’s best candidate for leader of the Once-Free World.

      1. Freedom allows for mean people. Kamelala’s campaign of unbridled joy and enthusiasm promises to eliminate mean people … like Trump … or mean people who object to little girls getting stabbed to death by families of the unassimilated. Yes, mean people … and the FREEDOM that allows them to exist … must be CRUSHED!!

        Now, it’s not “mean” to destroy MEAN people or FREEDOM if you are destroying the next Hitler (aka Trump) … it’s doing the job that some American’s just won’t do.

  4. Kameltoe speaks tomorrow night. Expect excited delirium. It will be over-the-top.

    Wonder what her convention bounce is going to be? Is the honeymoon evergoing to end?

    1. President Trump NEVER got a honeymoon, just non-stop hate and lies. So my guess is, unless she gets eclipsed by a lefty-perceived ‘greater’ being at some stage, Harris will NEVER be without the current fawning and support… Even her likely monumental foul-ups will be excused, ignored or not reported at all.

      I wonder if she has a magic mirror somewhere?!

  5. At one point in his acceptance speech tonight, Tim Walz said “…and trust me on this…” If there is anything we have learned about Walz in the last two weeks it is that he is as adept and practiced a liar as Joe Biden, and there is no possible reason to trust him.

    1. D’ya remember when Trump was excoriated for quoting “Two Corinthians” instead of Second Corinthians? As evidence Trump knew nothing of the Christian Bible?

      Well, tonight “coach” Commie had that same moment. He claimed to have run a “44” Defense when he coached those marvelous kids to a State football championship. Uhhhh … “coach” screwed up as he should have called it a 4-4 Defense as in 4-linebackers, and 4-defensive lineman. Uh … yeahhhh … any average football fan, let alone “coach” wouldn’t call a 4-4 defense a 44 defense. Sheesh.


      Yeah … not only is he a LIAR … his entire Hollywood-fabricated biography is a LIE
