Everything Is Fine

Rob Law;

The day after the DNC endorsed amnesty for human traffickers, the DHS Inspector General confirms that Biden-Harris handed over ~320k unaccompanied alien children back to the traffickers. This is FAR WORSE than the 85k lost UAC previously reported by NYT.

The Inspector General confirms that these migrant children Biden-Harris facilitated being trafficked to the US are now trapped in sex trafficking & forced labor. There is NO plan to locate them & return to home country.

Report here.(pdf)

9 Replies to “Everything Is Fine”

  1. Beyond disgusting – but not unsurprising
    This is the world of Democrats, Liberals & Globalists…
    Those who would Rule the Planet – All whom fully in favour of Legions of undocumented Children for Labour, Prostitution & in the end Adrenochrome.

    The Filth that perpetuates this travesty..?
    Lengths of Hemp rope….

  2. I thought their (demoncrats) endorsement of human euthanasia was the lowest they were capable of. This is just as bad and much larger in scale.

  3. Anyone that pretends that biden is anymore useful than a doorstop is a liar and a crook. could be a biden.

  4. This Country had to create a fairy tale about missing children.
    They claim “Genocide” yet ZERO arrests and ZERO investigations. Cultural Marxism is winning.

    Nobody is coming to save you.
    There is nowhere to go.

    Most people are asleep, and have no idea the Dystopia they are sleepwalking into. Gangs of Inbred Koranderthals will start their Jihad. MS13 will run entire neighborhoods.

    Now go hand those Guns in, Racist.

  5. How can anyone support this party? They have no moral center, and clearly they have no charity towards others – only people they consider worthy, or useful to them.

    Beware putting any of them in charge of protecting American’s inalienable rights – they don’t believe in them.
