10 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. By “foreign investors, investing in Canada” they mean “international money launderers buying up houses”.

    1. Exactly. And multi-unit residential buildings, and farm land, commercial, etc. And scooping up billions upon billions of federal, provincial, and minicipal grants, subsidies, and tax concessions.

  2. Last I checked the Liberals had a hand in some $195 billion in cancelled energy projects in western Canada. Then there was the massive drop in sustaining capital in the oil patch due to inept government policy, and yes also a drop in prices, but bear in mind if our products had egress to international markets we’d be doing fine. So all told, and I don’t have the exact numbers at hand but I think Alberta alone lost some $385 billion and that’s billions with a capital B in new projects and sustaining capital. That’s a huge loss and that’s not coming back any time soon.

  3. Money laundering is the new national industry. So much cleaner than nasssty oil, mining and lumber, you know.

    The money that’s leaving is Canadians with a clue, looking for a safe place to invest.

  4. Corrupt Chinese money in, honest, sane investment dollars out in even greater numbers. Canada becomes an even shittier shithole.

  5. Ahh, remember the 60’s and all the chatter about ‘branch plant economy ‘ and the ‘brain drain’. Back then the Laurentien Elite purported to care about Canada. PET and his ilk fixed that

  6. Well … I guess President Dementia-Biden was right. America’s economy may be slipping into the shitter … but it’s still BETTER than every other G7 nation. Esp. the Canuckonomy

  7. In 1967 Canada was the 3rd richest country in the world – behind Switzerland and the US.

    Today we sit 17th and sliding. It’s predicted that Canada will be in 30th place over the next coupla decades.

    How did this happen in a country neck deep in resources? The question is rhetorical.
