12 Replies to “Mischief Is Important”

  1. Possibly the only red ballcap in the entire arena.
    Bonus Douchery…is that Thomas Friedman leaning in to hear what Chuckie is saying, or more likely, is Friedman just trying to sleaze even more free camera time?

  2. It is hysterical that Schumer says the more people see Kamala, the more they will like her. As with Biden’s mental deterioration, the handlers have kept Hyena Harris and her brutal and obvious incompetence hidden for four years.
    Apparently getting her seen is a key component of Dem’s strategy, vis a vis not permitting her to hold press conferences.

    1. Hysterical or complete insanity. I’m not so sure Chuck. ‘What’s your response when Trump takes credit for that?’
      Top notch journalism right there. All they’ve got are lies. Anybody see pictures of Kamala’s husband’s kid. Is it transgendered? That should torpedo this whole thing like right now.

        1. Well … the great thing about our truly diverse world is that SOMEONE will find the Emhoff “Queer” … attractive. We “normal” people don’t and never will … and we are sooooooooo far past caring about people like her/they who are shoving it in our face. So her performance art lifestyle has a teeny tiny audience. Knock theirselves out …

    2. Kamala can’t suck everyone in town can she? I dunno, Chicago’s a big city! Well have you seen…

      oh never mind, she never got those stretch marks around her mouth from smoking!

  3. Schumer says Trump takes the credit for things he didn’t do ($35 insulin)……..
    “Today, under President Trump’s leadership, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that over 1,750 standalone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage have applied to offer lower insulin costs through the Part D Senior Savings Model for the 2021 plan year. Across the nation, participating enhanced Part D prescription drug plans will provide Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s supply, from the beginning of the year through the Part D coverage gap. The model follows on the Trump Administration’s previously announced 13.5 percent decline in the average monthly basic Part D premium since 2017 to the lowest level in seven years”.

    https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-trump-announces-lower-out-pocket-insulin-costs-medicares-seniors. May 26, 2020.

    Demonrats, like Labour and Conservative politicians here in the UK, lying through their teeth. Always.

    1. And no one in the traditional media will push back on their lies. I can’t decide if this is incompetence on the part of the media like what’s-her-name-again-from-NBC-“News” interviewing Schumer, or if it’s out-and-out malevolence.

      Check that. It must be the latter, because I refuse to believe that anyone that accomplished in their career can be that stupid.

      1. It’s malevolence and blind obedience.
        Check out Jackson Proskow and Russell Cecchini for their GlowBull reports.
        Grown men, in their 40s, gushing like 17 year old girls over Kamalala. They can’t even try to hide their politics and overt bias.

      2. “Check that. It must be the latter, because I refuse to believe that anyone that accomplished in their career can be that stupid.”

        Yup. I don’t actually even remember when President Donald Trump made that original announcement about the $35 insulin, but I do remember Joe Biden *cancelling* it on his first or second day in office. Don’t remember the excuse for it, either.

    2. Well … dementia addled Biden took credit for bringing the COVID vaccine to market too. Not that I’d brag about that … but Biden-Harris are LIARS … and guilty of Stolen Political Valor along with Stolen Military Valor.

      BTW … d’ya remember just yesterday Antony Blinken was announcing a BOMBSHELL Gaza PEACE Plan!? How’s that coming along?

      1. I’d say it’s DOA. He got Bibi to agree, but good luck getting Hamas on board.
        As I said in an earlier thread, I doubt that Hamas will agree to any cease-fire arrangement that involves the release of the hostages.
        For one reason, because I don’t believe any of the missing hostages are still alive.

        It’ll be interesting to see how these developments will affect the narrative, and how the media will spin this to continue whitewashing Hamas.
