27 Replies to “Mischief Is Important”

  1. Okay, so that’s the speech when you put a looney into this coin operated dummy, but what kind of performance do I get for a fiver?

  2. Troll or True Believer?
    A truly awesome troll!!!
    I wonder how many others are there, just hoping to be that agent provaocateur.
    Matt Walsh, I have found your new BFF!

    1. I’m wondering if the “journalist” has ever caught on, or did he just buy into the dude as the real thing.

      If I were to guess, I’d say that the “journalist” fell for the troll hook, line, and sinker.

  3. Until the end, I couldn’t tell which side he’s on.

    His troll level is way up there, any photos of him and Matt Walsh talking strategy in the hospitality suite?

  4. Didn’t they catch on when he mentioned his wife’s boyfriend? Or is this normal on the Left? She gets to sleep with other mens and so does he?

    1. I caught on when the dude mentioned all the (I’m only going to do this once, and henceforth refer to Kamunist Kama-Kamaleon as “KKK”) KKK talking points that the media doesn’t want you to hear.

  5. Now we know where Justin Trudeau has been hiding. He’s hanging out at the DNC bragging about Idris Elba banging Sophie like he can’t.

  6. Wow, you’d almost think that was a well done Saturday Night Live act, (back when they did real comedy).

  7. I heard James O’Keefe is at the convention. I’m sure that will be entertaining. This guy might be one of his set-ups to secure an interview.

  8. “As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.” H.L. Mencken

    1. Well, the masses will get equal (short) rations, and over time the shortages will get worse so the select few who enjoy extra rations because they do the hard work of deciding who gets what rations will become fewer and fewer.

  9. This joker wants us all to be equally poor. He should remember that the most equitable place on earth is the graveyard.

  10. Honkies for Harris, Tweakers for Tim; and solid proof that masks won’t keep insanity out of your head.

  11. It is impossible by listening to him to know that he is actually trolling the reporter. Everything he said I have heard from a liberal.

  12. Sorry; I’m calling Poe’s Law on him. I strongly suspect the guy really is that dumb.

  13. He’s as fake as Joe and Kameltoe.
    There’s so much gaslighting going on it’s causing globull warming
