Skip The Expense

If the economy were as prosperous as we commonly hear, why is the marginal consumer acting like he or she is tapped out?

About 800 Canadian employees are being laid off by SkipTheDishes and its parent company.

Roughly 100 Canada-based workers will depart SkipTheDishes, the food delivery service’s chief executive Paul Burns revealed on LinkedIn on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, some 700 staff members who work for its owner Just Eat will also lose their jobs, he added.


21 Replies to “Skip The Expense”

  1. Every once in a while I think about ordering Uber eats or doordash but then I see the price and just end up having potatoes again.

    1. We grow em first, pick, wash, cook, eat. Delicious. Just scrap off the warts, etc.
      Anyone too lazy to cook ?
      Who taught you that?

  2. OMG, people will have to cook their own food?

    This will never happen under Communism.

    There won’t be any food.

  3. because the government and the press lie. they quote 3 % inflation , not the cumulative 30% of the previous 3 years.

  4. 30%???

    Does that include every product in the store?

    I ask because the very few items I used to buy regularly, but don’t anymore, have increased by way , way more than 30 %
    I am now buying stuff that is not as good and am not buying any extra treats like way back before the great destruction.

    1. Not to worry … Kamelala is gonna PUNISH grocery chains for price gouging.

      How do I personally fight inflation? I simply STOP buying overpriced products. Isn’t that what the left tells us what to do when you don’t like something on TV? Simply turn off the channel. Don’t BAN things … just opt out. So what will Kamelala be BANNING?

    2. A lot of the groceries I buy have doubled in price. The Fed’s preferred measurement of inflation omits food and energy. Go figure.

  5. When people are broke, eating out and having people deliver food to your door are going to be the first expenses cut, so no surprise.

    I’m often too lazy to cook, but i have never been so lazy I get home delivery. That being said, I have a car and if you don’t have a car getting take out can be awkward.

  6. L – Skip, Skip the Dishes or skip the food.

    First gov’t. inflated fear of a respiratory virus. Then inflated the currency by printing money and
    doubling the national debt. Thus inflating the debt servicing costs. Lockdowns by gov’t. decree
    inflated the rate of crime, drug and alcohol addiction, and the unemployment rate. If Trudeau et al
    were represented by an inflating helium balloon. It would be getting large enough to
    blot out the sun… Perhaps, that explains why we’re now living in The Twilight Zone?

  7. Business was good when the sheeple were afraid of CORVID, so they ordered home delivery A LOT.
    There were often 3 or 4 STD drivers when I went to pickup my fast food, and they were coming and going continuously.
    FF to today and the 99% of the sheeple aren’t Covidiots anymore, so lets go out to eat instead. This is a business model without a long shelf life.

  8. Restaurants never recovered from the lockdowns and have been dying off ever since. Inflation from the monetization of the COVID money giveaways is running strong and on top of the normal Keynesian monetary excesses of the political class. A serious recession is just the next market crash away from engulfing the west and the only question is if it will start before the US election or after it.

    1. My lovely sister died mid-March. We used to go out to restaurants every second week. I have been doing take-out for myself, but still I am shocked at the prices. I paid $ 22.00 (taxes included) for a take-out Reuben sandwich and some “less than special” fries last Friday. I am going to try one more time this week with take-out Mexican which I do not cook at home. If it is another disappointment, I plan to just cook 7 days a week.

      When I was a teen-ager in the 1960’s and our parents were doing well, we only went out to restaurants twice a year – on their wedding anniversary and on New Year’s Day to the Viking Buffet in Edmonton. They always encouraged us to “go for the good stuff” at the buffet. Sadly, my sister always went for the cheap pasta – a big disappointment to our parents.

  9. You mean there will be 800 less quasi-legitimate immigrants, all from the same country (viva diversity!) recklesslessly racing around the downtown Toronro streets and sidewalks on uninsured scooters, their faces all covered so as to evade the cameras at traffic stops (which they invariably blow right through)?

    You are presenting this like it is bad news
