When You Go Full “Bud Light”

Bloomberg- Harley-Davidson Drops Diversity Efforts After Attacks by Anti-DEI Activist

Harley joins Tractor Supply Co., Deere & Co., and competitor Polaris Inc. in scaling back or changing DEI policies following an ongoing campaign by activist Robby Starbuck on social media against what he calls woke corporations. The retreats are part of a broader backlash against corporate DEI that has companies re-examining programs added over the last several years.

17 Replies to “When You Go Full “Bud Light””

    1. did these idiots not see what happened to Bud Light, catering to 1% of the population is pure insanity

  1. Conservatives need more leaders like Robby Starbuck. Conservative boycotts can be effective if well led.

  2. Notice the negative slant – “anti-DEI activist.”
    No, he is simply pro-normal. Pro-success. Pro-merit. Pro-business. Make a good product, sell at a good price, and fill a need. Hire people based on those goals and those goals alone.
    He is pro, not anti.
    Just as many so-called Anti Trans are actually Pro Children.
    Anti Abortionists actually are Pro Unborn Babies.
    We are generally not Anti. We rise to the battle, not because we hate what is in front of us (unlike the left, who hate everything that built this civilization, or that smacks of individual responsibility).
    We rise because we love what we are defending.

    1. The language is certainly pro-DIE.
      “… following an ongoing campaign by activist Robby Starbuck on social media against *what he calls* woke corporations.” –Emphasis mine!

  3. Bud light sales are still down.
    For some of us once that trust is broken – it’s not coming back.
    Like with TimHortons. First the jabs nonsense, then they kicked out our (former) neighbour who’s a vet and his service dog… Tweed Ontario. Reason given was his Alberta paperwork not acceptable in Ontario. Side note: The dog is from breeder in Quebec. Canaduh eh!
    We’re done with them completely now, like with legacy media.

    1. Like a few said in Robby Starbuck’s ‘X’ post, will it really change until there is a change in management.

  4. They retreated because they got caught in the open.

    Don’t believe their sincerity unless people were fired.

  5. Note to HD … despite what’s portrayed in the media during the neverending “Pride Season” … there aren’t enough Dykes riding Bikes to keep your company afloat. And while your average heteronormative Harley enthusiast doesn’t really care, one way or another, about Dykes on Harleys … they don’t much like being put in the sidecar of a Queercentric woke corporate culture.

    1. You say potato, I say potatoe
      Tomato, tomatoe
      Yada yada
      HD needs all and anyone to buy their stuff, so it follows the alphabet trend crowd.
      Who cares?

      1. Catering to 2% of your customers, while insulting 98% of your customers is not something a $7-figure executive should think is sound business practice. Tomato(e) go splaaaaaat.

  6. It’s great that they bought a temporary reprieve from stupid policy, but the architect of the policy remains as CEO. If they want to get him fired, every Harley owner needs to buy 1 to 10 shares of the stock, attend the annual meeting and create a motion to fire the CEO and replace the board of directors. That’s what creates permanent change in a corporation.
