August 22, 2024: Reader Tips

Tonight, we present a treat from 1942: Glenn Miller – Orchestra Wives.

Your best news tips are always welcome here!

I’m finishing up 5 days in NYC, accompanying longtime friends from Vancouver. We were walking this evening and a mid-30’s fellow from Maine, who was here on business, joined into our conversation. The discussion turned to San Francisco, where I happened to work out of the past 10 years. I mentioned that the city fell apart during Covid so I left and have been working remotely ever since. I added that this was due to the city being badly mismanaged. Here’s what then transpired:

Him: So you’re a Republican?
Me: I’m Canadian.
Him: Oh that’s good, because there’s no way I could ever vote for Trump . . . blah, blah, blah.
Me: A lot of people in California are not big fans of Kamala.
Him: Well, at least you never elected a buffoon as a Prime Minister!

To say that I was shocked by the depths of inanity/stupidity/ignorance of this comment, would be understating my reaction by 1,000%.

Me: Sorry, but I’m not a fan of Trudeau. Have a good evening.

62 Replies to “August 22, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. The modern Western politician doesn’t need to know anything; they have the bureaucrats working as their water carriers. They just have to read the official statements prepared for them and collect their pay checks and bribes.

  1. Watch what Vladimir Putin, the great leader of a great Orthodox Christian country does to that vile Muslim Quran:
    Spoiler: he kisses it and holds it to his heart.

    Imagine if Starmer or Macron did something like it – there would be several dedicated posts here and everybody would be going apeshit in the comment section. But for old Poo it’s perfectly OK – he can loudly welcome the growth of Islamic population of Russia, kiss the Quran, probably even openly convert to Islam AND in the minds of the schweinie-lovers, best exemplified by “yeahwell…”, Russia will still remain a “conservative christian country”, in contrast to “muslim” Britain and France. Not surprisingly, Russia has a much greater share of muslims in its population and a lot more in absolute numbers than any Western European country, but why would schweinie-lovers who took Pootin’s ridiculous rants to Tucker Carlson as a sign of “manliness” and “intelligence” ever let the reality get in their way?

    1. Do you think the media is as truthful about Putin as they are with Trump? They only lie, always, about everything . So Biden is competent, Trudeau is smart and Putin is a ignorant tyrant. Sure.

  2. Robert: The Maine man was right “…at least you never elected a buffoon as a Prime Minister!”. You didn’t, the 33% of Canadians who voted for him did.

    And now we may see a buffoon from Maine will help elect a Word-salad food processor for President.

    1. We all tolerated the 7th election of a Trudeau, we get what we are willing to tolerate. Maybe the 8th time will be different.

  3. “To say that I was shocked by the depths of inanity/stupidity/ignorance of this [bufoon] comment…”

    Trudeau has an Obama patina, and American interest in Canadian news is limited to sport playoffs.
    The anti-Trump mindset has been baked into otherwise normal Americans. addicted to looking down on a billionaire.
    The anti-Trump comments heard in Canadian society mirror American Democrat media messaging, and
    expose the CRTC as useless.

    1. Indeed, just look at the two beta males from GlowBull, Checcini and Proskow, and their orgasmic, smiling faces spewing their JOY propaganda.
      They can’t even contain themselves over their overt bias, neither can Dawna ‘buh-bye’ Friesen. The shame of it all, is our brain damaged sheeple are so messed up, they don’t see the obvious anymore, and are fully captured by the programming.

    1. The only point in favour of immigration is keeping down the wages of the poorest Canadians. As such, it is disgusting, a crime against humanity.

      1. You forgot about the most important reason for immigration, the fear of a shortage of Liberal Party voters!

  4. The Guardian .. it’s so sad… climate protestors made pay up.

    ‘One woman who did break the injunction told TBIJ that her income meant it would take her eight years to pay off the costs of about £5,000 that had been sought against her.’

    It’s good she didn’t pay back loans in NYC like Trump. 5k is little for being an idiot protestor.

  5. If you’ve ever been to Maine you’ll understand the mentality of your chance acquaintance perfectly. The whole northeast is a hotbed of pig-ignorant-Canadian-style socialism. I was so disappointed with virtually everyone I talked to there.

    1. I can confirm. They’re all around me here in New Jersey!

      ….although I will say the 2020 Biden voting couple next door is supposedly on board with voting for Trump this year. Fingers crossed.

  6. Conspiracy theories on all sides:

    So here is story about sinking of UK tech Billionaire yacht Mike Lynch. It omits one little detail – yacht’s owner was found not guilty after 13 year prosecution by US Justice Dept. His 2 lawyers died along with other friends celebrating his acquittal
    Coincidentally, the co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain in that trial was killed in hit & run just days before.

    My initial reaction was to blame Donald Trump, but then I read this article from our national pride, the truthful, honest and nonpartisan CBC:

    Now I know the real reason this happened was climate change.

    1. RFK said he’ll make the announcement, whichever his decision is, while in Phoenix AZ on Friday,
      DJT is having his next rally in Glendale/Phoenix AZ on Friday

      So I expect something is in the works. RFK & Nicole Shanahan’s eyes have been opened by the Democrat’s (and MSM’s) treatment of them… There are a lot of policy differences between RFK and DJT … autumn will be here shortly, and the “October Surprise” may be in the Republican’s corner.

      1. If he does, perhaps DJT should make him the head of the FBI, or maybe the CIA to clean house? 🙂

      2. Wondering if Tulsi is behind the scenes in the possible Trump/RFK merger.
        She is totally on board for Trump now, and I recall a photo of her with RFK just before he announced his independent campaign.

  7. A friend of mine, from Florida but married a Canadian become unglued over Trump. I dropped off some garden goodies to her and she was watching CNN, and then she started to melt down about Trump. I laid the food on the table and walked out. I am sick to death of liberals saying what ever hateful thing they want because they assume the rest of us agree with their hateful ethos. I am done being silent.

    1. I have recently discovered that an acquaintance does not want to associate with me because she determined I support Trump. My recollection of our last discussion did not involve my supporting him so much as commenting on the degree to which the media distorts much of what he says. It never dawned on me that she would take this personally. I think the extreme Trump hatred (seen among many Canadians) and allowing this to interfere with friendships is completely irrational. In which case, not much to be done. Still, I am puzzled by what is behind people absolutely hating Trump as much as some do. Makes no sense.

      1. Self-righteousness. They are smart and Trump clearly isn’t – he’s a reality TV star.

      2. People have given up their critical thinking skills, for the well dressed bobble heads on the box. It’s amazing the TRUST that ordinary people will give to these empty vessels, but don’t trust their neighbours or friends, whom they can see and talk to everyday.
        They never ask themselves, whom this New York based talking head is, what their life skills are, or any other relevant fact.
        Society is out of touch with reality, clearly. The elderly especially seem affected, who never leave their home anymore, but are addicted to CNN and The Spew, but never go down to the local coffee shop and talk with real people.
        Brainwashed with leftist propaganda. It’s been a very successful program. It’s easy to control a slight majority of people, isn’t it?

      3. Why– because they believe everything the CNN hate machine tells them, when you challenge their propaganda all they do is parrot CNN and the View. Makes me sick how we have to hide our beliefs because liberals are such hateful beings. I don’t care if I ever speak to my friend again, more fresh produce for other people.

    1. The Covidiot Cult just can’t let go, can they? Like you, I am happily unjabbed, and everyday that goes by, makes me more thankful, and strengthens my convictions, to have never, and will never, take any mRNA jab, for anything.
      Seeing the usual suspects still ignoring the evidence of jab injuries, still is mind boggling. The government charts out of BC and AB, that showed deaths peaking at 10 days post jab, should have been the end of the jabs, instead, we had evil witches BonBon and Heenshaw lying that ‘they died of Covid’, and the sheep bleated their agreement. The sheeple are earning their premature passing as each day goes by.

    1. I have no doubts that he will cry “homophobia” over this.

      My girlfriend lives close to High Park in Toronto and I saw him come out of the subway station behind an senior with a cane and he hit him from behind in the head knocking off the old man’s Jewish cap. He stumbled a bit but stayed on his feet.

      I shouted at him and the turd turned around and he had a huge smug grin and hurriedly wanted north.

      I offered to be a witness and wanted to call the police but the senior said he “didn’t want any trouble”.

      So the next time the turd claims he is “anti-zionist” we know the truth.

    2. He is also the VP of the Ontario Federation of Labour who have been lobbying for foreign students to be allowed to work in Canada legally (hurting all those private sector union members whose unions are OFL members) and demanding rent subsidies for the foreign students and illegals even though the illegals seem to get priority treatment over Canadians of all backgrounds for (government) public housing.

  8. Karmala and Trudeau – now there’s a pair of intellectual giants that deserve each other.

  9. Washington state spends about $3 billion a year on food stamps for noncitizens

    Meanwhile in Seattle…
    Beloved Seattle dog walker, 80, killed in broad-daylight carjacking before eight-time felon fatally stabbed her pooch: police
