Food Prof Been Sayin’

The Food Professor-

Remember this report filed in October 2022? It included many recommendations made by the task force, to which we contributed.

On page 32, it states that ‘The Minister of Labour should urgently convene a council of experts to develop a new collaborative labour relations paradigm that would reduce the likelihood of strikes, threats of strikes, or lockouts that risk the operation or fluidity of the national transportation supply chain.’

Yet, absolutely nothing was done. Here’s a link to the report:

4 Replies to “Food Prof Been Sayin’”

  1. Incompetence seems to be the norm via the Liberal/NDP regime. At what point is incompetence criminal neglect?

  2. I had a witty comment on this but it disappeared.
    Oh, well.
    Will we ever understand why some stuff disappears?

  3. He wanted government action, to stop stuff that was caused by the government?

    Even if the railroads gave all of their revenue (not profits) to the unions, the union would still go on strike for more.
