Hold Your Horses

Blacklock’s- Adler Appointment Not Final

Broadcaster Charles Adler has not yet met legal requirements to become a Senator, authorities confirmed yesterday.

“An appointment to the Senate is made by summons from the Governor General under the Great Seal of Canada effective from the date of the writ of summons,” said Alison Korn, spokesperson for the Senate. The required legal notice typically takes two weeks from the issue of a news release.

Spokesperson Korn also confirmed under Senate Procedure And Practice no appointee may take a Senate seat without first signing the roll and taking an oath of allegiance to the King. “Yes, that is correct,” she said.

Both legal requirements must occur in person on a day when the Senate is in session. The Senate is currently on summer recess. It is scheduled to return Tuesday, September 17.

14 Replies to “Hold Your Horses”

  1. The Addler belongs in the senate as repayment from Trudeau for carrying Trudeau’s water and attacking the conservatives.

  2. If you really want to barf up your lunch listen in on his show when he has Katsmella on as a guest.

  3. C’mon Joostaihn! You can do better. Replace that pink colonial with a genuine Manitoba 2 Spiriter!

  4. Am I mistaken? “summons of the Governor General” and swearing oath of allegiance to the King. What am I missing???

  5. Snicker, he might lose his plum job because of something he said when he was conservative? Oh the irony.

    1. Maybe he can conjure up some dijinuss ancestry. Like Elizabeth, last of the Warrenokies.

  6. Charles sold himself out for a few pieces of silver Your reputation is now in the same toilet as GG. Johnson

  7. Funny, the Liberal woman from Sask that was also picked for Senate, stated on the radio today that she was already a Senator, and the swearing in was just a formally.
    She claimed once your asked and you say yes, then your a Senator.
