Hostage Situation

Harry Siemens- #railstrike

The Canadian rail strike has escalated to a full shutdown of both of Canada’s major freight railways, Canadian National Railway Co. (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd. (CPKC), following a failure to reach a new contract agreement with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference before the midnight deadline on August 22, 2024. Here’s what’s happening:

Blacklock’s- Calls Rail Shutdown Sabotage

“It is totally unacceptable for us as a country to sabotage ourselves right now,” said Freeland. “We have been through a lot. We have made so much progress with our economy. Canadians from coast to coast to coast are depending on the employers, are depending on the union to get a deal done and to get it done with alacrity.”

“What kind of contingency plans does the government have?” asked a reporter. “Our plan is for the parties to listen to Canadians,” replied Freeland.

13 Replies to “Hostage Situation”

  1. Not only VPM but PM right-honourable himself said something about this situation.
    Something equally idiotic actually, like “now now, peasants; just kiss and make nice, mmok?”.
    I imagine both sides will hug crying today, praising the King + his minion hag for their insightful and cathartic messages.

  2. I’m surprised she didn’t call them “wreckers”, it’s more in line with her customary Marxist rhetoric.

    And BTW, isn’t she deputy PM of a government that could pass back to work legislation in an afternoon? Is it that dire a threat, or isn’t it? I mean, they imposed martial law because of air horns and bouncy castles, surely “half the country starving to death and our export relationship with the US tanking” rates as at least as significant a threat as free popcorn, border bridge slowdowns, and Canadian flags.

    Or do they actually WANT a crisis so they’ll have something to exploit to attempt to pry their poll numbers out of the toilet?

    1. The NDP keeps the Libranos in power. As much as today’s professorial credentialed class now makes up the NDP, they can’t bring themselves to support back to work legislation. It’s a pickle for Trudeau, which makes it delicious.

    1. Yup!
      Somebody tell Juthtin and Hag Freeland that they don’t put up with strikes or lockouts in their vaunted Chinah.

    2. Invoke the War Measures!! Can’t have a disruption that might possibly, though in no way demonstrated, to affect Doug Ford’s beloved auto industry; to hell with those pesky rights and freedoms.

  3. But that’s what extortionists do! First they sabotage and then they extort! Freeland should be well aware of how unions work by now!

  4. Problem number 1 is that the government changed the Hours of Service rules, and now the companies want to adjust the work rules to match the new reality that was imposed upon them by the Trudeau government.

    Problem number 2 is that CN, after listening to the union claim that the union wants better scheduling proposed a scheduled 40 hour work week to replace the mileage system, meaning that if you as an engineer arrived at a terminal before the end of your shift, the company could assign more work before you went home. The older guys in the union didn’t want that because the recognized under the mileage system, they got more time off on average, including for some of them getting 15+ days off each month. (This doesn’t affect RTCs and YTCs as they are already scheduled if they have seniority to have a permanent job).

    Problem number 3 is that the government is propped up by the NDP, so they don’t want to offend the partners that will not vote for back to work legislation.

  5. Just more vapid, empty words without action from Derp Leader and his Nazi wench. Indeed, they seem perfectly fine burning this country down, if it means they stay in power.
    October 2025 can’t come soon enough.
