33 Replies to “Might?”

  1. Well that’s exactly what the Democrats are doing in the U.S. And the Democrats and Liberals sing from the same fascist songbook.

    1. We’re being REPLACED … by incompatible cultures who think nothing of stabbing dozens of little girls … killing several.

      We’re all third-worlders now

  2. The strategy to fight this is remind those new “Canadians” that the Liberals made everything worse for everybody including immigrants and that the Liberals are completely immoral. How many immigrants are into “Pride”, transgenderism, raibow crosswalks and government sanctioned murder by doctor? Come to think of it, how many have taken our citizenship?

    I will admit, the prospects for Canada are not good.

  3. They are truly stupid and ignorant. Of course, Trudeau is weaponizing the immigration process against the citizen. Everything he does is a war on the citizen. He hates his own people. Remember the goal – a communist elite with the remainder of the citizenry living in cities, owning nothing and enslaved by large corporations that keep the elite in the lifestyle they want. Do accomplish this goal, he must destroy everything. He is an evil man.

    And when he is done, there will be only one source of news – the state Pravda. The veil will drop from the Toronto Sun as it is consigned by fiat to the dustbin of history along with the journalists now publishing lies.

    1. Only if anyone has been paying attention….

      The correct characterization of the situation is Canada’s Immigration-Industrial Complex, consisting of a vast national and interconnected network/web of immigration consultants, “diploma-mill”-type “colleges” (some increasingly affiliated with actual real institutions like Conestoga and Canadore), taxpayer funded “jobs” and ESL programs, taxpayer-funded “community spokespersons”, taxpayer-funded “ethnic” media, businesses dependent on cheap, possibly taxpayer-subsidized immigrant labour (why are virtually all security guards in Toronto of the same ethnicity?), and as with all programs related to government largesse, an entire parasitic class of administrators, overseers, gatekeepers, fart-catchers, foreskin-cleaners and assorted hangers-on. I suspect that much of this invariably leads back to various ethnic and political lobbies, riding associations, etc., connected – of course – with the Liberal Party and its various tentacles (although one has no illusions about the Conservatives stooping to such, the Liberals have made ethnic pandering into their own true art form).

      Am I alone in suspecting this?

      And I’m surprised and disappointed that no investigative reporter has blown the lid off of it all.

      1. WTF is to investigate?
        You just spelt it out and its as obvious as tits on a bull.
        The higher percentage of Ethnicity X that arrives, the more power/money influence they have.
        Even ethnic enemies aren’t going to shut down the flow, they’re just going to try to increase it more than the other.

        1. Buddy, you and I may think it’s obvious but I can assure you that there are legions of blue-pilled normies out there – conventional, trusting, complacent (my pal calls them “Church of England lamb-to-the-slaughter”-types) – who are almost completely ignorant of all this and still reflexively think of government – and particularly the Liberal Party – as their friend. Sad but all too true.

          That the Toronto Star FFS is even taking note says SOMETHING, although I highly suspect this is an example of Controlled Opposition.

  4. The Liberal/NDP Globalist war on Canada continues full steam ahead.
    You cant build CCP style “15 minute cities” without destroying the ones that are already there.

  5. The purpose of mass immigration is three-fold:

    1) it brings in a mass of people who vote overwhelmingly Liberal/NDP (Muslims poll at 85%) to cancel out native voters. Note that Elections Canada does not require proof of citizenship to vote – you can simply produce a utility bill with your address on it, or have a neighbor vouch for you.

    2) it conceals the true rate of inflation by helping suppress wages through the use of Temporary Foreign Workers.

    3) it skews mortality and health statistics, helping conceal the alarming growth in excess death.

    1. One more: it artificially inflates GDP, so the gubmint can congratulate itself on the ‘great’ job it has done on the economy.

  6. Check out what’s going on in Arizona. The 9th CIRCUS Court ruled that if you can’t show ID to register (not vote, but only register)….you can’t vote in the State elections, but you CAN vote in the Federal elections. No ID to register. No ID to vote. What do you think happens?

    The 9th CIRCUS Court realized they had no sway on State’s Rights relative to elections, so they ruled only on the Federal races. In short, as it stands now, anyone and everyone can vote in Arizona without showing ID to register or vote. They would have absolutely no way of determining citizenship or residence. The big question is whether the Supreme Court will reverse the 9th. I suspect they went for the ID on Registering as opposed to voting because it gives cover to the SC to not hear the case or rubber stamp the 9th since it is now a time issue as the registration date deadline is fast approaching.

    1. “The 9th CIRCUS Court”

      I thought for a moment that that was a typo, but no… I saw what you did there.

    2. This has been partly overturned, or affirmed, whichever way you look at it…?


      “PHOENIX, ARIZONA— A huge victory today for election integrity in Arizona after the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed new voters who are registering with a state form must provide proof of citizenship in order to cast a ballot in November, effective immediately.

      The order from SCOTUS was issued in response to an emergency stay application filed by Senate President Warren Petersen after an egregious ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Mi Familia v. Adrian Fontes. On August 1” … and more

  7. Well now. That’s a surprise! /sarc.

    What really is a surprise is that they’re admitting it!

  8. Nothing new here. Justin’s step dad started this tactic by greatly curbing our tradition of Western European immigration that ran up in the 90% range with a focus on third world newcomers.
    Plus… it doesn’t matter in Kanada if new comers have a more conservative worldview.
    Ontario and Quebec will still control the country no matter which party wins office.
    Western Canada abuse will still be subjected to abuse.

  9. I’m an immigrant from western Europe, so I have had a front row seat via my relatives, as to how Liberal Democrat policies work. These people, by which I mean politicians, have absolutely zero care for the local voters and crave only power. If you need to enhance your voter base via immigration so that you get to maintain power, hopefully indefinitely, you go ahead and do that. You also make sure to make it known that those who might be opposed to any of your policies are “extreme right wing” fanatics. From what I can see enough voters buy that story hook line and sinker and then wonder how things went off the rails. Look at Europe and see what has happened. I used to think we were safe in North America but that seems optimistic especially in Canada.

  10. Liberal government always plays the long game and is very sensibly countering Canada’s low birth rate by importing people with no regard to source.
    The Liberal scheme will ultimately fail. In a few years the new Canadians will not be Liberals an they will have their own unassimilated regime. Within 10 years, anti-blasphemous laws, shariah law (Britain soon).
    Forget about bird songs in the morning.

  11. You’re right Bert. Look how cities like Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver elect mayors.
    Repeatedly western Canadians have rejected the only viable option do their serf status.
    “Free the West” or quit complaining.

  12. Why not? Members of Tony Blair’s government admitted that was their strategy years ago.
    How long until we get our own Pinochet to wage war on the leftists like they’ve been doing to us?

  13. “What might look like “incompetence” may actually be the Liberal 2029 election strategy at work.”
    Wait, the MSM is just realizing this? Colour me surprised.

  14. Ya think?
    That’s the thing with Canadians…can’t put anything over on them. Totally unfoolable.
    Yeah, I know it’s not a word.

  15. You can bet your bippy that if the champagne socialists at torstar are (finally) bringing this up, it’s for one reason only: it’s suddenly dawned on them that the open-gate immigration that they’ve applauded forever just might affect their livelihoods… and their lives

  16. Its more than just votes.
    But you can’t call it the Great Replacement because that’s a conspiracy theory and you can’t say anything anti-immigration – even illegal/criminal immigration – or you’re a racist/xenophobe and a threat to society.
    Bill 59 or whatever the fcking number is, will get you jailed, fined, dis-employed and your bank account frozen if you even mention a negative word about immigration.
    Trudeau and the Liberals haven’t stacked the deck.
    They have all the cards.

  17. Well the only good thing is more people can’t help but look directly at what’s staring them in the face. And more importantly their kids.
    Now what’s PP going to do about it?
    (If he wins)

  18. Topping my bucket list is pïssing on the Dauphin’s grave. It’ll be a great day for canada the day he takes his last breath.
