30 Replies to “Next!”

  1. Obviously fortified by the cost of living increases. I think it’s about time for the liberal leaders to make their patented “it’s the new normal, and there’s no going back” speech. That was always Obama’s go to move after screwing something up.

  2. it’s the one thing I support. Pilots should be *very* well pain to the point that there is fierce competition for the slots and only the best of the best make it.

    1. Heh. That’s the argument politicians use to justify their pay raises. You know, to attract and keep “the best”.

    2. They are already and constantly a pain, especially to anyone who has to deal with them.

    3. “….fierce competition for the slots and only the best of the best make it.”

      DEI takes care of that fantasy.

    4. you must be joking. they are already well paid, so like truckers and mechanics, they want a raise.

      and the soy boys of todays’ generations would be terrified to learn anything more real than a video game.

      apparently, you did not read that there are not enough well-trained pilots to meet consumer demands.

      1. Do remember how airline pilots were treated during the Plandemic. Air traffic slowed to a crawl – but airline pilots must log a certain number of takeoffs / landings every Quarter to keep their tickets. So you had pilots working for free, and pilots who paid to take flights. And guess why there are not enough of them? – nice work if you can get it…

        Imagine what it would cost to rent a 747 for a couple of hours to fly circuits?

        They were stuck squarely behind the 8-ball by a situation not of their making. So now the pilots are looking for a bit of payback? – I say “good on them!”

  3. Good news for all other carriers, especially the discounts. WJ is already pretty well booked.
    Let AC stay out for weeks, Eff Them. Already an expensive airline to fly, the pilot’s union extortion will only make AC worse than it is.

    1. “stewardess!?” How incorrect of you.
      They are aisles technicians that bring stale peanuts and ginger ale in a surly manner.
      And they are gay.
      That’s why I don’t fly no more.

      1. Peanuts? It has been a long time since you were airborne!

        I’ve only had one truly surly stewardess . Pretty well all the others were friendly and efficient; the poofs too.

        1. Heh, was just on an AC flight last week, the peoplepersons brought the beverage cart, I asked for a black coffee and was smugly told that the seat-belt sign was on so no hot beverages.

          No worries I’ve been there before so I replied “that’s fine, if you could please bring me one when the sign comes off – as was customary practice on any other flight I’ve flown. The answer was a snotty NO that I would need to wait until the next beverage service in 1 1/2 hours. I simply ignored it and went back to my show.

          1-1/2 hours later it comes by again, “Sir would you like your coffee now”? I just hand waved it away like dismissing the low rent it was and continued with my show. I wanted a coffee 1 1/2 hours earlier, not 30min before landing now past lunch.

          Just one example of AC’s seriously shitty service. I have been an AC Gold member for 20 years, 10 of those as Super Elite +100K although I’ve lapsed to a 25K membership these last two years. I’ve watched the decline in real time.

          1. Interesting. Unfortunately, here in Canuckistan, we are served by two large, mediocre carriers. You’ve noted some of AC’s issues, they are definitely more expensive.
            Westjet, especially since going privately owned, has gone downhill. I’m not sure what’s worse, their frequent cancelling of flights, or their lack of customer service. A family member, and a good friend, both had their flights moved by ONE DAY, very recently. They had to change their hotel reservations, med insurance, car rentals, in order to compensate for the flippant flight changes.
            My biggest beef with WJ, is now, most of their international flights must go thru Calgary. In January, we fly back from Honolulu, to Calgary, then back to Victoria. Looks like they’ve never heard of a little airport called Vancouver that makes a lot more sense.
            Westjet is being run more poorly by the day, but we are stuck here on the island with a poor choice of 2. Our only option is to walk on the ferry to Vancouver, where we can fly direct to wherever, without having to be re-routed to Calgary. Get with it WJ, FFS.

        2. bring your own peanuts, if they survive screening.

          Canada has gone to “h in a handbasket”. Unrecognizable.

    2. Jamie
      It’s stews who are the cause of the pilot strike. AC hires dogs for stews, and pilots don’t like to sleep with them on lay overs. AC has, and always did have ugly and useless stews.

  4. One of the responses to rampant inflation is a strike as the union members see their take home pay shrink.

    1. yup – this is what is happening, and dan bc,

      yes westjet used to be great, but is now a “no service” airline, just like AC, with crammed tiny seats and dangerously overfilled upper bins.

      you want coffee? we’ll maybe remember after our break.

    1. Everyone wants a huge raise so that their paychecks keep up with the 30+% inflation over the last 4 years caused by governments printing money

  5. getting to think have to give up dream of seeing historical locales europe from my high school and university studies.
    what aint taken over by muhhamandans be inaccessible anyway.
    but l will NOT leave my canines daddy Truman, daughter Askher (joke what’s her name ask her) and son Samson only canine ever owned his whole life.
    they dont understand these things and dates and that, so lm here for the duration.
    gawd know state of the old world by then.

  6. HUGE RECESSION in PROGRESS, not in news yet!!!

    union demands always rise before we all hit the financial floor. watch copper prices too. the rail companies are creating havoc, so fill the freezer.

  7. Don’t care, the airlines fired and banned all their smartest crew and customers.
    F’em, never going back.

  8. This is over work rules so is rail strike. The gov changed all the work hours and rest periods so now working a lot more days and stuck away from home. The trucking is also being f cked over by this shit.
